𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖋𝖔𝖚𝖗𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓 ~ 𝖉𝖔𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖘𝖍

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THOUGH SHE STILL WORE BLACK IN MOURNING, much to the irritation of her family, Yelena looked forward to meeting the Prince Oberyn of Dorne and his lover. They'd come for Joffrey's wedding, but what interested her was that he was a prince, and his lover a bastard. It made her think of her own love for Jon Snow.

Apparently she was also doing a horrible job helping Sansa. Neither of the girls ate much or slept much since the 'Red Wedding', and Yelena wasn't willing to push her, seeing as she felt the same, though her heart grew harder faster. She was growing accustomed to this loss far too quickly, all of it numbing her in a frightening sort of way. One of her few assurances that she wasn't going cold and mad was the way her heart skipped when a certain pair of brown eyes came to mind.

Meanwhile, far north, the bearer of those eyes listened sadly as tales of the Call of the Wolf arose once more.


Most days, Yelena left Sansa alone, knowing she preferred it that way. When she wanted to see the princess, she came to see her, but other than that, Yelena knew that as long as Sansa remained amongst nobles, only a fool would try to harm her now that she was a Lannister.

Finally, the princess was called upon by Olenna Tyrell. When she arrived, she was glad she'd accepted.

"I plan to get Sansa out of the city."

She blinked at Olenna's straightforward manner once more, something she found usually only in herself around here. "You do?"

She nodded. "Indeed I do. I plan to send her off to the Eyrie, with her aunt. She'll be kept safe there."

Yelena frowned. "But.. how? And when? Does anyone else know?"

Olenna nodded. "I cannot tell you, but I can assure you that only I and the one transporting her know that her escape is part of the plan. I wanted to make sure you knew so you wouldn't try to intervene- as you should as her protector- and disrupt this delicate scheme."

Yelena nodded. "When do you mean to execute it?"

"I cannot give you more detail than that it will be on the day your brother weds my granddaughter. You'll know the plan is finished. The part the other knows of is not what I'd describe as discreet. When it's over, you'll see that Sansa is gone. You mustn't fret. As soon as I get the raven from the on transporting her to the Eyrie, I'll let you know it worked."

The princess took a breath. "Isn't there anything you can do to help?"

Olenna shook her head. "I'm terribly sorry we couldn't help you too dear, but there will be far more eyes on you than Sansa."

She chuckled. "Don't worry about me. I could escape right now if I wanted. I know this city well. But I could never have left Sansa. I stand for her, yes, but she's also like family to me. It was much more than duty. What do you think gave me reason to make the vow in the first place?"

"You're a strong girl." Olenna smiled, her pride evident. "Stronger than many. Go now. You'll want to rest before seeing the success of my plan."

And though she tried, Yelena's only success was staring at the new black drapes on her bed and hearing in her mind the screams of the Starks.

She rolled out of bed after another sleepless night and went straight to her detailed maps of King's Landing and the Red Keep. Once Sansa was safely out, she'd have to leave quickly. No doubt Joffrey would blame her, and then who knows what kind of awful punishment he might concoct.

Finally the day had come. Yelena was done up in the loveliest of southern gowns in a beautiful sky blue that somehow made her feel restricted and exposed at the same time. She hadn't any long sleeves to slip her dagger into, leaving her to only the small knives she could manage to hide in the folds of her dress.

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