Chapter 2: Live or Die

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Gradually throughout the day, I woke in pain cleaned my wounds as best as I could, and then fell asleep again. The sun rose and set while I was hiding and healing.
The next day, my birthday, I spent in the hole trying to live. My pack would be celebrating today and returning home late in the evening. I needed to return or my punishment would be worse. But I couldn't even make it more than a short while before falling back asleep again. Nearing nightfall on my birthday I climbed my way out of the hole and started towards the pack. By my estimation, a trip in wolf form that shouldn't have taken more than ten minutes took me probably around three hours. Most of my wounds were closed but others were most likely infected and still very angry. My head wounds causing the journey back to be bleary and painful.

My clothing pile is still where I left it the better part of two days ago. Grabbing the pile in my mouth I made the trek to my house, shifting back for the first time since I left I unlocked the door and fell through the door and onto the floor. Not having the energy to do much more I rolled onto my back and used my foot to shut the door. Fading back into sleeps welcoming arms.

It must have been late into the night because it was still dark outside. I gathered the strength to make my way upstairs, down the short hallway, and into the bathroom. Taking the quickest shower that was possible for me to do in my condition. Most of my time consisted in trying to clean the rest of my wounds. After drying myself and the towel becoming more red than blue, I pulled out the first aid kit from under the sink. Doing my best to patch myself up I eventually give up and make my way to my bedroom. Finding some light clothing to throw on I climb into bed and pray for a better day tomorrow.
The next morning the sun was already up and I could hear pounding on the door downstairs. I tried to hurry and stumbled my way down the steps bleary and afraid. Despite delay, I made it to the door and opened it to my guests.
Alpha Colton
And if my nose was correct some of the same guards from the patrol that left me.
My wolf came full force to the surface angry and ready for another fight. Clearly, her instincts were broken since we are still wounded from the last fight that occurred. Interrupting my train of thought and forcing my wolf back down, my alpha spoke in a grave and angry tone.
"Lily Dahlia." That's not even my name.
"Yes Alpha Charles." my meek tone asked
"Have you or have you not, neglected your work for the last three days?" I couldn't believe this, this is what he wanted to bother me over. Work?
"Alpha-" he cut me off
"Yes or no lily."
"Ye- yes Alpha."
"Did you or did you not, go out in wolf form when you knew you had strict orders otherwise?" he adds, and understanding arguing won't get me anywhere right now I shift on my feet and try to focus on how to get out of this.
"Yes, Alpha."
"Did you or did you not, lead rouges onto pack land and notify border patrol endangering other members of the pack?!" He thinks I would endanger other members of the pack? I am outraged and hurt.
"No alpha!" I try not to shout at him and stop shifting on my feet my spine straightening.
"You didn't notify border control?" his tone dripping condescension
"I did alpha." oh no they are going to punish me
"So you lead rogues on to pack land." His statement baffling me and served to rack up my anxiety more. Why would I do that?
"No Alpha." my voice coming out as firm and as strong as I hoped it would
"Were you lying when you said you were out in wolf form when you weren't supposed to be?" no no no no they are pinning this all on me.
"No Alpha I was but I didn't-" trying to defend myself but he cuts me off
"ENOUGH!" His Alpha command is too much for even my wolf to bare and we drop to our knees in front of him small tears beading in my eyes. "Lily Dahlia. You are hereby sentenced with, dishonorable behavior, breaking safety protocol, and reckless endangerment. Your punishment, to be collared and put on the post for three days. This is final."
Now I'm full-on crying I know there is no way to change his mind even if I don't feel I did any wrong.
"Now don't make this difficult and SHIFT." At his command, my wolf lunged forward and cowered before her Alpha. Then they came forward and two of them put on the heavy wolfsbane-infused silver collar and chain and dragged me out in front of the pack to the post. They chained me to it and read my charges again. No one was to take me off for any reason for three days.

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