59. Too Far Gone.

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"Harder Eamon! Harder!"

"Doll, I'm gonna- I'm gonna-"

"Inside! Cum inside!"

. . .

After Annie quit, the only person who had forced them to be cautious within their home was gone. Intoxicated by this knowledge Eamon and Y/N made love with reckless abandon, no longer afraid of being caught. They both stayed inside and turned the home into their cozy love nest.

"I love you Eamon!" Y/N chirped as she threw herself at him on the couch and began peppering his face with kisses, ignoring the foul smell that had begun permeating in the living room.

"I love you to Doll," Eamon told her, catching her hand in his as she began to trail down to the hem of his pants. "We just did it, you are an insatiable little thing aren't you?" He teased her with a smirk before pecking her on the lips.

"I am if that means I get what I want," she pouted, her cheeks turning pink as she moved her other hand down towards his crotch to demonstrate what she wanted. 

He chuckled as he took hold of her other hand, "Just give me a minute, I'm an old man remember." He sighed, the smile lines around his eyes becoming more pronounced. Before he could say more he was interrupted by the doorbell ringing several times followed by a harsh pounding on the door.

"W-were you expecting visitors?" Y/N asked, all the playfulness vanishing from her face as she stared at the door in fear.

Eamon's expression turned serious and he wrapped a protective arm around Y/N as he moved her off him and stood from the couch. "No, I wasn't," he replied. "Go upstairs, and lock yourself in the bedroom Y/N, I'll go see who it is." He kept his eyes trained on the door as he spoke.

Only after he heard the pitter-patter of Y/N's feet on the stairs and the sound of the bedroom door closing did he advance down the hall to the door that someone was still banging on agitatedly. Taking a deep breath, he unlocked the door and opened it enough to peek through the gap."Hello-"

"What the hell Eamon?!" He was interrupted by a very agitated and surprisingly familiar voice. An agitated and tired-looking José stood in the doorway, his silk shirt rumpled and dark circles under his eyes. "Why haven't you been coming to work?! I've been calling you for days, but you never answer! What's going on?!" He exploded, pestering him with more questions than he could answer.

"Oh, nothing-" Eamon tried to dismiss all his questions, waving awkwardly as he tried to shut the door.

Before it closed José stuck his foot out and braced the door, preventing it from closing any further. "You don't get to say that!" He snapped, glaring at him from across the threshold as he tried to force his way inside. "You don't get to say it's nothing after falling off the freaking map like you did! I want answers!"

"I'll tell you I just-" Eamon agreed, futilely trying to keep his friend from entering."No- wait!" He protested as he finally shouldered his way through the gap and marched down the entrance hall.

"I will not!" José snapped, swatting away Eamon like a fly as he continued his advance into the living room. "I'm not leaving until you give me answers! Look at you, you're a freaking mess!" He gestured to Eamon who looked down at himself and realized that his clothes were wrinkled, had a few suspicious stains, and his chin was scruffy from neglected shaving.

"Look, let's just go outside and-" Ignoring his friend's comments he took hold of his hand and tried to pull him back towards the door.

"No way!" José protested, jerking his hand out of Eamon's grasp. "I'm not going anywhere! And what the hell is that stench!" He allowed his face to wrinkle as he addressed the foul smell that had been in the air since he entered the house. It seemed to be strongest around a lumpy blanket spread over that floor and surrounded by house flies.

"No! Don't-" Eamon tried to stop him as he leaned closer to inspect it.

"Oh god-" he gasped and stumbled back, his handsome caramel face blanching as he pulled the blanket away to reveal the dark, putrifying remains of Annie. "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS EAMON?! Why is there a fucking corpse in your living room!" He asked as he whirled around to face his friend, horror-stricken.

"There is no corpse! There is no corpse! There is no corpse!" Eamon repeated frantically, refusing to acknowledge the body rotting on the beige carpet as he began tugging out tufts of ginger hair from his scalp.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU EAMON?!" he shouted, recoiling from both his best friend and the rotting body. "You-you killed her, didn't you?!"

"I DIDN'T KILL ANYONE!" Eamon shouted, shaking his head in disbelief. The corpse was all in his mind, it had to be. "She's not dead! She's not! She's not! SHE'S NOT!!!"

"You're insane..." José muttered, backing further away from where his deranged friend stood. The little color left on his face drained away as he recalled that Y/N had been there with Eamon the whole time. "Where's Y/N?! Oh god- if you've done anything to her I swear-" he asked as he began to frantically look around, self-preservation forgotten in his fear of what might have happened to the poor girl.

"NO!!!" Eamon shouted, suddenly enraged. He threw himself at José, catching him off guard and sending them both tumbling to the ground, smashing the coffee table beneath their combined weight. "I won't let you take her from me! She's me, angel! Mine! Mine! MINE!" He shrieked, a manic glint in his eyes as he wrapped his hands around his neck.

"Eamon! Get the fuck off me!" José snarled, fighting to free himself and reason with his old friend. "This isn't you, I know it!!!"

"How can you be sure? Ha, I don't even know who I am anymore!" He laughed hysterically tears spilling from his eyes as his mouth split into a painfully wide grin. "But Y/N is always there, Y/N NEEDS to be there!"

"Eamon! Get off me!" He began to thrash more desperately, clawing at the hands that were crushing his windpipe. "I-I can't breathe-" he choked out, his face turning purple.

"Y/N will always be with me! She's the only thing that makes sense anymore!" He shouted, oblivious to his friend's distress as he squeezed his hands tighter and tighter. He shook him as he continued to strangle him, lost in his own mind. "Don't you understand?! DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND?!"

It was only when he ran out of stamina and the body of his friend was still beneath him that he began to regain his senses. "José..." He panted, removing his hands as he realized that he had strangled his business partner and friend. This isn't real! It-it's just an illusion... Just an illusion... He thought frantically as he stood up and closed his eyes, willing the body to disappear, willing himself to wake up.

"E-Eamon?" The sound of Y/N squeaking out his name timidly startled him out of his roiling thoughts. His eyes snapped open and he saw her standing at the top of the stairs, trembling in fear. "Are you alright? I-I heard fighting?"

"Oh, don't worry, you're just hearing things." He put on a brave front, trying to convince himself that the two bodies in his peripheral vision and the walls closing in on him were just hallucinations. "Come on, Y/N, get your things and get in the car!" He said, suddenly finding it hard to breathe.

"B-but why?" She asked, her voice conveying her fear and confusion.

"We aren't safe here anymore, we have to leave!" Eamon gasped as the walls moved in further yet the two bodies refused to disappear.  "Come one, this bad dream will fade away once we get out of here!"


Wow, only one more chapter, and an epilogue, to go. How do you think it will all end?

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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