22. Friendly Visit.

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The next few days passed by in a mostly contented blur. Eamon was still suffering from flashbacks more often than he would have liked, but the number had decreased to the point where he felt like they were no longer an issue and decided to just ignore them.

He told himself that it wasn't a big deal, even though he knew deep down that it was. He did his best to distract himself with work, as he always did when he was trying to ignore something that really should be addressed. A further distraction presented itself when his business partner and friend José showed up at the door unannounced one evening.

"Hey, Eamon!" His white teeth glinted against his rich honey skin tone as he smiled warmly from where he stood on the doorstep. "I hope you don't mind me dropping by unannounced like this." He awkwardly ran a hand through his gelled raven hair.

Eamon smiled brightly at the sight of his colleague and quickly ushered him into the inviting light of the front hallway. "Not at all, please come in come in," He continued to guide his friend until they reached the pleasant living room with the couch and recliners sitting around the TV against the wall by the stairs. "I'm glad to see you, do you have any news about Y/N's attempted rapist?" Eamon inquired seriously after they had both taken a seat on the couch.

"Straight to business, that is so like you," José chuckled. Eamon had asked him to look into the pursuit of Y/N's disgusting manager so that there was nothing about him laying around the house that could upset her. "Well between the two of us he has yet to be caught and I heard some officers saying they are unsure if he ever will be." He answered in a low voice.

"Oh no, that is troubling news," Eamon's whole face grew stormy at the thought that such a vile person was still walking free, and could still be lurking nearby. "Be sure not to let it slip to Y/N alright, the poor thing is frightened enough as it is." He gave his friend a firm look, not wanting to frighten the sensitive girl any more than she already had been.

"Of course," he agreed at once, unusually serious.

They sat in friendly silence for several moments until Eamon heard a sight creak coming from the stairs. "Why hello Y/N," He said, his face melting into a smile as soon as he caught sight of her adorable face peeking down at them from the top of the stairs. "Come on down, I would like you to meet my friend and business partner, José Rodriguez."

"H-Hi," Y/N said shyly tugging at the sleeves of her sweater, walking over to Eamon who had stood up to meet her at the bottom of the stairs.

"José was a great help in my custody battle for you," He gestured to his friend with pride while his other hand rested comfortingly on Y/N's shoulder. "I couldn't have done it without him."

"T-Thank you," Y/N stammered, her voice barely more than a whisper.

José gave her a charming smile as he stood to shake hands. "Well aren't you are pretty as a peach, I can see why Eamon was so eager to adopt you," He quickly cleared his throat after receiving a sharp glare from Eamon. "Only teasing, of course, it's very nice to meet you Y/N." He said in a more earnest tone.

She reached out to shake his hand, but suddenly she froze and her face drained of color. She let out a frightened squeak as she caught sight of the dark silhouette of a man looming in front of the windows looking into the living room.

"Y/N?!" Eamon's face was flooded with concern at the frightened state of the girl he cared dearly about. "What is it what's wrong?"

She couldn't speak, she only pointed to the window with a shaking finger. "Y/N, go upstairs now!!!" Eamon commanded her in a more assertive tone than normal as he saw the man standing at the window. "Lock the door to the bedroom and José call the police!!!" He ordered, fearing that the figure was the same man who had tried to rape Y/N.

"Eamon-" José tried to call out to his friend, but he rushed to the door as soon as he saw that Y/N was upstairs like he couldn't hear him.

He threw the front door open and rushed around to the front of the house to confront the man who had dared to frighten Y/N. "Damn it!" He growled as he was greeted by the sight of well-kept flowers beneath the large windows and no creep to be found. "He's gone!!"

"Eamon," José said in a low voice as he followed Eamon out, his voice causing the ginger man to jump, he was still on edge. "I didn't see anything," he continued hesitantly.

"There was a dark figure standing outside that window there," He growled angrily, his head darting around as he stayed alert for any sign of movement on the nighttime culdesac. "I bet it was that bastard who tried to get in Y/N's pants." He spat.

"Your eyes must have been playing tricks on you," José tried to calm his friend down, slightly unnerved, he had never seen Eamon that angry before. "Look, there are no footprints in the flower bed where you say you saw him," he pointed to the dirt under the window where there wasn't the slightest trace of a person's foot.

"I suppose you're right," Eamon sighed, finding it hard to believe that his eyes had been playing tricks on him, even with evidence in front of him. "It is dark out..."

"You know what I think?" José let out a slightly nervous laugh, placing a hand on Eamon's shoulder as he tried to lighten the mood a bit. "I think you've been working too hard. You've been under a lot of stress trying to keep up with work and with all the changes to your personal life, that's why I keep asking you to go clubbing with me, it's always been more about getting you to take a break than trying to set you up with some hot chick... Although I wouldn't be opposed if that happened."

"I-I guess you have a point," Eamon relented, still not entirely convinced.

"Come on, let's go out on Friday night, like old times," He pressed. "You know I won't take no for an answer."

"...alright," Eamon eventually agreed as they both walked back towards the warm light of the house. "I'll see you on Friday."


Is this... The beginning of madness?

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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