5. The World Hates Me.

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Y/N sighed, hunching her shoulders as she walked down the hallway of her high school alone. It had been several weeks since the funeral and she couldn't take any more time off from school or her part-time job even though she wished she could have.

The only activity that brought any fulfillment to her life was sharing a casserole with Mr. O'Dargan once or twice a week. It normally ended with them crying together like they had the first time, but even though it sounded depressing it was one of the only things that made her feel better. And even if she wasn't certain, she liked to think that it helped Eamon at least a little bit. It was certain that the two had gotten closer over the past weeks, even though they didn't talk much.

Y/N was jarred out of her reflections as someone came up behind her and pushed her, causing her to go tumbling to the floor her books and papers scattering everywhere. Her knees stung from hitting the hard tile floor, scraped from her fall, they'd bruise for sure.

"Here clumsy," snickered one of the main girls responsible for Y/N's unending torment since middle school, her name was Amanda, and she was a total bitch. "You dropped this, what a butterfingers." She tossed a folded piece of paper at Y/N and continued to laugh mockingly as she walked off with her popular friends, leaving Y/N in a sea of papers and second-hand textbooks.

Y/N crawled around, wincing as her knees gazed against the floor, gathering up her stuff that had been scattered all around the hall. She tried to ignore the laughter of her fellow students as they watched her, no one felt bad for her, and no one came to help her. Once she had her things back in order she opened up her note that the bully had given her.

You should hurry up and kill yourself like your friend slut, I bet your ugly mug is the reason why he did himself in.

Huh, Y/N thought as the words repeated in her mind again and again, no matter how hard she tried to block them out. It felt like needles were digging into her flesh, but she didn't cry, she just laughed in self-pity. The World hate's me, doesn't it? She crumpled up the note, like so many others she had received, in her fist.

. . .

After she finished with school Y/N was standing behind the counter of the vintage ice cream parlor she worked at with a fake smile plastered on her face as she waited to serve the customers. Her knees were hurting from the long period of standing, but she did her best to ignore it. Even though she felt like dying inside, she couldn't let it show.

Her mood considerably brightened when the bell rang and she looked up to see a familiar family of three stepping into the shop from the overcast Street outside. They were some of the regulars and came in at least once a week and would always split a dish of ice cream, but even if they didn't come in often their order was so unusual that it would be hard to forget. Without fail, they always ordered three scoops of pistachio ice cream covered in caramel drizzle and gummy bears.

"Here's your usual sweetie," Y/N said with a genuine smile as she handed the unique concoction down to the little blonde girl who was about three or four years old. "Have a good day."

"Thank you!" She said, giving Y/N the biggest expression of joy she had ever seen. Her name was Starla and Y/N looked forward to seeing the cheerful little girl every week.

Huh, Y/N thought with a small smile as she watched the happy family go back outside and take a seat at one of the outdoor tables beneath the colorful umbrellas. Maybe the world doesn't hate me entirely?

Y/N jumped as the door to the parlor slammed open, and her heart sank when she saw another much less welcome group of regulars come striding in. "Hey, we'll have four chocolate smoothies and a mega Sunday to split," Amanda said with a devious smirk, the rest of Y/N's bullies giggling behind her.

Y/N gritted her teeth and tried her best to stay polite. If she hadn't been at work she would have bolted for the door, but she didn't have the choice. She rang them up as quickly as possible, not wanting any more interaction with them than what was necessary.

The group of noisy teens began occupying one of the largest tables in the shop and talked loudly while they waited for Y/N to prepare their order. Y/N worked on it as quickly as she could, hoping that the sooner they got their order the sooner they would leave.

Once her tray was loaded with the four smoothes and the mega Sunday she made her way over to their table carefully, focusing to keep the tray level. "Here's your order - four chocolate smoothies and a mega-" Y/N began, but before she could finish Amanda smacked the tray up, causing the content of the smoothies and ice cream to dump all over Y/N.

"You're such a klutz!" She scoffed, smiling wickedly as she looked at Y/N standing frozen in a pile of ice cream and broken glass. "You ruined our dessert, I want my money back!" She exclaimed, pretending to be shocked and surprised.  

No, Y/N thought in disbelief as she looked down at her sticky, sugar-coated clothes. it'll take my whole week's paycheck to cover this, and I need to pay to get my uniform dry cleaned. Y/N didn't have that kind of money, what was she gonna do?

She stumbled away from the table, the laughing and the gearing of her peers pounding in her ears as loud as fireworks, she saw her manager come out from the back of the shop but before he could say anything Y/N had bolted to the door on trembling legs.

She couldn't take it anymore, it was all too much. She needed to get out, she needed to get away. She ran and ran, the city street passing by as nothing but a graey blur through her tear-filled eyes. Tears poured from her eyes as she began crying as she ran, she didn't slow down until the burning in her lungs eventually forced her to slow down.

She came to a halt, her chest heaving. But even though her movement had stopped it took a while before her tears slowed down too. She hated everything, her bullies, her life, everything. Just when she thought things couldn't get any worse the sky opened with a clap of thunder and it began dumping rain.

Wow, Y/N thought, her shoulders slumping as the cold droplets quickly soaked through her chocolate smoothly covered clothes, The world really does hate me.


Y/N has got to have the worst luck ever, and it can still get worse yet.

Much, much worse.

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

Folie à Deux [Yandere Guardian x Abused Female Reader]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora