Chapter Nineteen

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Finch knew about the Sea Monster. She had found a book filled with Greek Mythology. The Hydra. That was the Sea Monster. A creature known for its five heads and once one is cut off two more grow back in its place.

The tributes watched under the stars as the creature's heads slowly rose from the murky water. The creature, within moments, was at its full height.

Wren's voice seemed to go missing as she opened her mouth the speak. The girl from Ten thought the Minotaur was huge but the Hydra? The Hydra was twice the Minotaur's size. Her hazel eyes doubled in size out of fear as the creature stared at the tributes.

"Oh no," Katniss said aloud. "We need to get off the beach, now!"

The tributes wasted no time in sprinting for the jungle only to have the Hydra snatch Thresh's ankle before he made it. Ivory screamed as she watched him get dragged towards the water. Wren's whip flew at the monster's head and wrapped around its scaley skin.

"Wren!" Finch shouted. "Wait!"

It was too late. Wren's whip dug itself into the Hydra's head and successfully decapitated it. The girl knew her mistake as soon as she did it but she needed to buy Thresh time. The dark-skinned boy stood up as fast as he could and sprinted toward the blonde from One. The Hydra wasn't done. The monster's missing head was replaced by two and the creature was angry. Its new head jutted out and bit into Oliver Thaden's waist. The man was lifted into the air and Ariana let out a painful cry. The woman looked at the other tributes.

"Go," she said. "I'll save him."

Wren felt tears fall down her face as Cato grabbed her hand and took her away from the beach.

Cato, Beetee, Wren, Johanna, Finch, Finnick, Clove, Katniss, Peeta, Thresh, Ivory, Marvel, and Glimmer made it off the beach that night.

Ariana Galde fought hard to save the second man she fell in love with. Oliver watched as his love was attacked by the other head of the Hydra. They were raised to the same height and watched as the life slowly drained from their lover's bodies.

"I love you," Oliver whispered weakly. Ariana cried as she returned the three words before spitting up blood.

Their cannons fired one after the other and let their group know that they were killed. The Hydra sunk back into the water and let the hovercrafts take the bodies away. Wren Eldrid let out a sob into Cato's arms as she mourned the loss of her friends. The Capital had taken away so much from her. Her father, her friends, her freedom. That was the turning point for her choice. Wren Eldrid sided with District Thirteen that very moment as she curled into her semi-boyfriend. it was then that she agreed to keep Katniss Everdeen alive no matter the cost.


"I'm sorry, Wren," Marvel said as he pulled her in for a side hug. The girl barely hugged him back. She was upset and pissed off. The brunette wanted to get out of the arena and kill Snow.

"Thank you," she said. Marvel only rubbed her back as they walked deeper into the woods. A loud crack from the lighting signaled something that only Katniss knew.

"It's twelve o'clock," she said. "That's what the lightning strike means."

Beetee's face twisted into one of thought. Finnick noticed his expression, "what's that look for?"

"The lightning," Beetee said. "We could use it for something."

The man pulled out a coil from his bag. He must have gotten it from the Cornucopia. He won his Games by electrocuting his opponents. Wren knew that's what his plan was, but they were a team. Why would he kill them?

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