Chapter Twelve

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The girl from District Ten felt her stomach churn as she waited for her interview. The woman from District Eight was called to the stage. Her dress consisted of various patches sewn together. Her hair was pulled up atop her head. Wren barely listened to her answers. The crowd grew bored with her robotic replies. The extravagant host released her from his questioning and called for the male from District Nine.

"Wren," Roman said through slightly parted lips. He felt his heart rate skyrocket when his brown eyes locked with her hazel ones. The blond boy's heart nearly cracked when her eyes narrowed.

"What?" she hissed. Her lips glittered as the backstage spotlight hit her.

"I'm sorry-"

Wren cut him off with a harsh laugh. Roman sighed but continued.

"I'm sorry, okay? Listen, I just want a chance. One chance is all I'm asking for. Please?" he was desperate.

Wren's eyes softened when she realized that Roman was at his breaking point. Beads of sweat formed above his brow. Tears sprouted in his eyes when he noticed that Wren's heart was solely for Cato Hadley.

"Why can't I have a chance?" he asked.

"Because I'm with Cato," she said. "I'm happy with him."

"Why him? What does he have that I don't?"

"He's a gentleman."

"He's a Career, Wren."

"Careers have feelings too, Roman. They're not robots."

The girl wearing the stars went to turn back around and face the front until Roman Winters had a different idea.

Roman stuck his hand out and wrapped his fingers around the brunette's wrist. In one swift motion, he spun Wren around on her heel and smashed his lips against hers. Wren froze not knowing what to do. It wasn't until a gasp from another person caused Roman to pull away from her.

Cato Hadley stood before the two shell-shocked. His girlfriend was kissing the enemy. His face turned neutral before he gave a slow nod and dropped the flower to the floor. The boy from Two took one step back as Wren took many steps forward.

"Cato," she said with a voice crack. "It was Roman," she choked out, "he kissed me. I didn't kiss him back."

"Wren, I saw the first kiss before training. I saw him initiate that, but this time? I don't know if I believe you. One time too many." The boy from Two said as tears formed in his eyes. "It's over Wren-"

"No, Cato. Please, don't say that-"

"We're over."

The boy from Two turned away from the girl from Ten and looked at the other blond boy.

"Alliance is over. In the Games you're dead."

Roman gulped.

Wren let out a sob.

"Cato, can we please talk about this?" Cato shook his head.

"I've seen you kiss him twice Wren. Once hurt a lot, but I accepted that it was him, but a second time? No."

Her hazel eyes turned green as she tried to reach for his arm but he pushed her off and turned around quickly.

"How would you feel if I kissed Ivory, huh? It would hurt wouldn't it?" Cato spat out. Wren didn't say anything. She felt her throat close up. "Yeah," Cato said half-heartedly, "that's what I thought."

The blond boy turned around and walked away.

When Cato was out of sight Wren's head turned in Roman's direction so fast she nearly got whiplash. Her feet carried her towards him and her hand flew up to his cheek. The loud smack against his cheek turned heads. Roman's hand flew to the source of pain.

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