It's All Good

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         The bar was decently crowded; lively but not overwhelming

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The bar was decently crowded; lively but not overwhelming. It was your first night off in weeks and a girl's night was just calling to your name. A week before tonight you had taken precaution and called your friend, Kenya to ensure that she'd be spending your night off drinking till you're properly drunk and gossiping about the circle of friends that you have fallen out of due to your demanding work schedule.

       And now that the two of you were here, along with another friend, Katerah who tagged along last minute, you couldn't comprehend how you managed to go this long without exploding.
"Whoo!" Kenya cheered as you threw back another shot, "It's almost like you never left."
"I wish I never had." You force a smile through the burning coating your throat.
"All the girls miss you." Katerah adds, sipping from her martini.
"And I miss them." You sigh, "Okay, so, update me. Who's dating, who's not, and who's more pitiful than me?"

         The girls laugh in unison at your question and begin filling you in on the last couple months of activity that you've missed. Much to your chagrin, jokingly of course, all of your friends were doing well with their lives; from what you were told they were juggling working as well as their social lives without struggling and boy, did you envy them.
"Damn. Alina  has a boyfriend too? I'm proud of the poor girl." You say after learning that the most awkward friend of yours finally landed an equally awkward boyfriend.
"Speaking of boyfriends." Kenya wiggles her brows, "How is the elusive Dayvon?"

            Ah, Dayvon. You had almost forgotten about that part of you; that was how busy you were.
"Good." You say unconvincingly to which both girls raise their brows in knowing. Cracking a smile, you shake your head, "Serious, he's good, we're good. It's all good. I'm just busy is all. And it doesn't help that he's traveling all the time with the boys for their music. I mean, if you guys think I haven't seen you in a long time then I haven't seen Dayvon in a lifetime."
"Awh." Katerah puckers her lower lip, "That's too bad. You two are still together, right? Like you're not on a break or anything?"
"No, not at all!" You exclaim, waving your hand quickly, "We just both have busy lives, ya know. We're still very much together." You proclaim and in that instant Kenya, who had been looking at something on her phone, gasped and eyed you, "I don't know about that, Amani."

        You felt your smile falter in the slightest but it was Katerah who asked what she was talking about. Kenya seemed torn on whether or not she should say anything which only made you feel confused further, "What?" You ask then laugh nervously, "What is it?"
"Remember how I started following the OTF members on Snapchat and IG a couple months ago in hopes of snagging one of them?" Katerah nods for the both of you. Kenya glances back at her phone for a second, contemplating, then finally hands it to you, "See for yourself."

          Hesitantly taking her phone from her hand, you turn it over to see that she's on the SnapChat stories tab. You see that she's on Muwop's profile and then toss her a questioning expression, "I don't get it."
" it. His story." Kenya bites her lip before trading a look with Katerah who is just as lost as you.
"O...kay." You respond and tap on Muwop's story icon. Why was there a sinking feeling in your chest? Dayvon and the boys were in Texas this week, touring as OTF. You had spoken to Dayvon this morning and he said he would call you the next morning to talk you through your hangover. But something told you that you wouldn't be talking to him anytime soon.

               The first couple pictures were of Dayvon and the boys having fun checking out locations in whatever part of Texas they were in and then along came a few pictures and quick videos of their concert that took place tonight. But then pictures there were the clubbing pictures. You could tell they had been drinking. Your chest sunk further and with good reason. In the final video of Muwop's story, your boyfriend, the one who you had spent the last five years of your life with, was being cheered on by the boys as a woman draped herself over him and stuck her tongue into his mouth. Dayvon appeared to enjoy it. Then the story ended.

        "Amani..." Kenya says your name softly. Blinking blanky, you slowly hand her phone back to her. Your throat is dry and you feel as if your insides have been torn to shreds.
"I'm sorry, Amani." Katerah apologizes, having been informed on the situation as you watched it play out on video. She reaches across the table in an attempt to place her hand on yours in comfort but you retract it.
"I have to go." You say almost robotically and stand from your seat.
"Amani, wait!" Kenya and Katerah call after you but you're already snaking your way through the bar patrons. Outside the bar, you bump blindly into people, the image of Dayvon kissing another girl burning constantly through your mind.

             How could he do this and so effortlessly? Drunk or not, he had no qualms about some girl being all over him. And what about Muwop and the boys? Did Muwop really think he could post that video where everyone can see it and think there'd be no consequences? They even cheered him on as he did it? Did they know something you didn't?

          Idly pulling your phone from your pocket, you're further pained to see that you have no missed calls or unread texts from him. Was he still at the club? Or was he back at their hotel now? Was he alone, with the boys, or with...her? Who was she anyway? A fan, just a girl at the club, or was she someone who knew him all too well? You couldn't answer these questions...only one person could.

             Before you know it, you're dialing Dayvon's number and waiting impatiently as the line rings endlessly. No answer. Hurrying back to your contacts, you scroll down to Muwop's name and hit the call icon. The rings for a few moments before picking up. At first all you hear is laughter and the booming sound of music. They were still at the club.
"Hello? H-hey." Muwop's voice cuts out momentarily as he sounds to an area where he can talk, "Hello?"
"Let me talk to Von." You demand, skipping the forced friendly greetings.
"Amani?" Muwop recognizes your voice, "Hey, what's going on?"
"Cut the shit, Muwop. Where's Von?" You hiss, your pain turning to anger.
"Von's uh...Von's somewhere. I don't know." Muwop tells you but you see right through it.
"Bullshit. You know exactly where he is and I want you to go there, Muwop, and let me talk to him." You demand further.
"I really don't know where he is, Amani" Muwop continues to state, "Just tell me what you want to say and I'll pass the message along." Chuckling dryly, you glare at nothing, "Fine. Tell the bastard to never call me again. When he returns to Atlanta, he's returning single. If I ever see him again, I'll fucking beat his ass."
"Jesus, Amani. What the fuck is going on?" Muwop of all people was asking that? Muwop?! The person who practically gift-wrapped Von infidelity and threw it into your face?!
"Check your SnapChat, asshole." And with that, you hang up.

         You're a good block away from your home when you feel your phone buzzing. Pulling it out, you're seething to see that it's your number one favorite person in the world.
"Did Muwop not give you the message?" You spit upon answering the call, "I said to never call me again."
"Amani, please, I can explain." He didn't even sound drunk. So he had let that girl throw herself at him completely sober? You didn't know if that was worse or better.

"Don't bother, Dayvon. I saw everything I needed and there's nothing you can do to fix it." You tell him, while emphasizing his name, pausing in your walk.

"Please, I'm so sorry, Amani. I had no idea Simon recorded it." You scoff at what he says, "And that makes it okay? If Muwop hadn't recorded it, does that mean it was okay for you to fucking cheat on me?!"

         It's quiet on the other end but you know he's still there. After a couple seconds of tense silence, you exhale heavily.

     "Face it, Von. You're not sorry towards me because of what you did, you're sorry that you were caught." You hear him inhale, ready to protest yet again, but you hang up on him before he can. If he could cheat on you effortlessly, without blinking an eye, then you had to give him the absolute best revenge. Live as if he never existed, effortlessly and without blinking an eye.

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