Chapter Twenty-two

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And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
                – Romans 8:28


It's funny how "It's Me versus You" comes so easily to my lips. It's Me vs this World. I'm truly a foreigner here since Heaven is my new goal.

It's been a year since that birthday celebration. That's the first birthday party have ever had after the death of my parents. My Uncle and Aunt almost spoilt the joy in that month. I do remember. I remember how I got a call from them. I'm still wondering how they got my number. They thought they could force me into giving them money. I guess my fashion company has been going viral on the internet as well as my picture of my nice tutorial fashion outfits. I suspect they got my number from the internet. My aunt, strident and callous, demanded money from me while also threatening to ruin me. I couldn't take it anymore. With Aaron and Sandra's support, I sued them for child abuse and the court gave them a huge fine to pay for compensation for all I have gone through. It would have been imprisonment but I didn't want to leave their children with no parents. I'm glad that justice prevailed.

How was my jamb?

I am proud and confident to tell you I won't be rewriting. In fact, I have a very good news. The world did try frustrating me because I almost didn't make it to my examination venue. The traffic in Lagos is on another level. However, my jamb result was good. I didn't reach the mark I wanted but I got a score that gave me admission into the University of Lagos to study psychology.

Presently, I'm on my way to the University. I've packed my luggage and I'm just waiting for the driver to arrive so I can be on my way to that great citadel of learning.

The news is too much to swallow isn't it? I'm still trying to wrap my head around my new reality. I can't believe I'm on my way to the University. Wow!

"Madam, no dey look mirror. Have you packed your things? Don't complain later that you forgot anything oo," Sandra hisses and slaps my arm. I whine and she rolls her eyes at me. My eyes fall back at my reflection on the mirror. I've added weight due to the amount of food I now consume. My new nickname is foodie and I like it. I thank God for provision.

My scars are still there though some are getting flat and faint. I know they can't disappear and will most likely be with me for the rest of my lives. I'm not scared. I don't want to change it because the scars remind me that I'm a fighter and to never give up. No condition is permanent. They remind me of all I have overcame. They are not my flaws but my beauty. Always remember you need to have confidence in yourself. Always make conscious effort to boost your self esteem.

"Ify, can I trust you to take care of yourself in school?" Sandra sighs and place her forehead on my shoulder. "Can I?"

"Why can't you trust me?"

She shrugs weakly, her eyes drilling at my reflection on the mirror.

"God will take care of me and I will definitely take care of myself"

"I know God will take care of you. He always does. He always loves us despite the sinful acts we commit. God is merciful," she says and turns to me. "We human tend to fall alot. Can I trust you to get back up? Will you ever backslide from God and move alone? I don't want you to think you are alone".

"Why will I backslide? Why will I forget all God has done for me? Why will I want to leave the perfect peace that comes from knowing Him?"

"A lot of people say these but divert when temptation comes or they see the pleasure of the world."

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