Chapter Thirteen

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Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough.
                          - Og Mandino.


"It's been long. How is school?" Mrs Yemi ask as she knead the dough on the wooden table. We are in the kitchen and we have a large bread order for an occasion. The customer wants coconut bread and chocolate bread, fifty each. I came to assist in the bakery.

She pounds her fists into the dough and chuckles when the flour below bounce into the air. "Fifty down and fifty more to go," she says to me.

I nod and start kneading the dough in front of me. Her husband and Samson would be handling sale today. Ademide, the last born in the Yemi family, was in school. Amanda is to help us in the kitchen but she keeps leaving the place and there is always tension between us. I don't know why. It's not like I fought with her or anything. In fact, I'm polite to her. She doesn't even know it's an honor. She just glares at me and ignore my existence in the bakery. I'm not really a people person. I had spent most of my times locked up in my house. I may not be so extroverted but I know one thing, if you step on my toe, I will retaliate. I've been abused for too long that I dare not give another human a chance to cause me such pain. Never!

Amanda hasn't hurt me in any way that's why I believe there is peace between us and haven't retaliate to her glares. I glance at the spot lacking her presence, the dough untouched.

"Where is Amanda?" I ask Mrs Yemi. Her eyes instantly falls on the dough Amanda was meant to knead.

"Do you think I need to get more workers?" She inquires and sighs. "This my daughter is so unreliable. She only does what's on her mind".

I nod and shrug it off, a smile crawling to my face. Mrs Yemi is so tolerant. A memory of my aunt flashes in my head. My aunt can never allow you to do what's on your mind.

"Will you punish her for that?" I raise a brow and glance at Mrs Yemi.

She narrows her eyes at the dough. "I know the best way to punish her. She will come and ask me for money, abi na?"

I let out a hearty laughter. "You are creative with your punishment, ma. It's impressive".

"I have to be creative. Beating does not work for some children," she says and chuckles.

"Are you sure? I met a person who believes greatly in beating children. Mostly ones that aren't her kids," I exclaim, obviously describing my aunt.

She snarls and shakes her head. "If she doesn't beat her children like that, then she is just being cruel to the other children"

"Hmmm.." I nod. "I feel that person is just being a witch".

She sends a look of disapproval at me and I chuckle. The door creeps open and Amanda walks in. "I was in the toilet," she announces at once and nods her head at her mom.

"For how long? Thirty minutes?"

"Yes," she sits on the high stool and wears a glove so she could knead.

"I want to see you try and ask me for money. I just want to see," her mom hisses and Amanda quickly sends a pleading look at her. "I will be going to the market soon. I want to ensure we finish this badge. So hasten up".

"Okay!" Amanda replies and starts kneading.

Today is Friday and I decided not to go to my tutorial. The bakery needed my help. I still worry about it though. I wonder the lectures I will be missing today. I will try to catch up later.

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