Chapter Nine

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A HUGE SHOUTOUT to hottiesoftie for the book cover and banner she made for me. Thank you so much. I love it and I'm glad to have met you. ♥️♥️❤️❤️


Find something you're passionate about and keep tremendously interested in.
- Julia Child.


"No! No! Penguin is a bird. I know what I'm saying"

Aaron shakes his hands and taps his index finger on his desk, a dour look on his face. "Ifunanya, you are wrong. A penguin is an aquatic animal. That's what it is"

"Aquatic ke? Is it a fish?" I exclaim mulishly.

"It is not a fish but it lives in the water," he says and quirks a brow as if daring me to prove him wrong. I'm wrapped in a cozy blanket on the couch in his office with a cup of hot chocolate tea in my hand.

I press my lips and turn my gaze around his office while thinking of a good point to throw at his face. I don't know how we got into this silly bickering but we did. Two grown adults arguing about penguins instead of talking businesswise. Aaron is the managing director of the large company I'm in. His office is capacious with vaulted white ceiling. He has a good view of the parking lot from the wide glass window across his black leather desk. He is on a swivel chair which squeaks whenever he moves with his bulky stature. A room with four corner. I'm surprised to see a wardrobe. I do wonder what's in it. The wardrobe doesn't look like that we see in bedrooms. It just looks like a large cupboard. At both side of the couch I'm on, there are two armchairs, glass table on the center and a rug below it- more like a mini living room in his office.

"I did biology in secondary school. Aquatic animals have gills," I spit out and puff my chest with pride.

"Ah ahan! It is not all that have gills na. Some use other ways to breathe. Will you say a dolphin is not an aquatic animal?"

"It has gills na."


I chuckle. "Okay! I'm not sure about that one but I know penguin has wings"

He facepalm himself and narrows his eyes at me. "It is not called wings. It is called fin"

"Nope! I saw one documentary that says Penguins are bird that can't fly"

His eyes widen and his chair spins when he falls back and burst into a fit of laughter. "Are you sure you saw well?" he exclaims. "Just accept it. Penguin are aquatic animal".

"It doesn't live in the water. Penguin walk on land. Will you na call a crocodile an aquatic animal?"

He pauses and taps his finger on his desk. "You are right though. Okay! This is what we will do. I'll search the internet for answers. If I'm right," his lips curves and settles into a smirk, one of mischiefs and mystery. "You will write an apology letter for the insult you've given me".

"Did I insult you?" I hiss.

"You did. You called me dumb"

"Ehen nau! What do you expect me to say? Smart? How can penguin- "

He cuts me short. "What do you know, woman? You aren't a biologist".

"Are you one?"

He opens his mouth to reply but I go first. "Nope! You are not"

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