Chapter 15

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The four of them spent the rest of the day in their room, alternating napping with the occasional snack so that they didn't have to venture into the common room and risk being seen. They had little doubt that members of Inez's clan would be searching for them, though they only needed to make it till dark before that would hopefully no longer be an issue.

Nahmia fit in perfectly with the rest of the group, as the ex-guard would regale them with silly stories of her life with Aethyl. Katja was entranced by her, and now had decided that she wanted to be a part of the royal guards to protect Inez once she was queen. Nahmia wasted little time in showing her how to hold a sword and use it for some basic thrusts. It was a good way to pass the time. Inez couldn't help but think that Nahmia might be doing this a lot in the future, she could use someone to help train any future guards, as she didn't think she would be able to trust any that were there with Hudd. Nahmia had already been a guard, and had found Medya to rescue her, so it was natural to want her back.

As for the napping, it took some rearranging, but they were able to fit Nahmia into the bed as well, and everyone was able to get a little sleep even with the heat of the afternoon sun making it overbearingly hot. Even still, nobody could sleep soundly, a combination of the heat and nerves on edge fearing that there could be a pounding on the door at any moment making it so that they had a fitful rest at the best.

"Medya, don't forget, the rest of your payment is in my trunk that you put in the backpack." Nahmia said while they lounged about waiting for the sun to set. "Do you want to use that now?"

Inez's eyes widened when Medya's face turned scarlet. "Noo... No, I think I can wait on that. Thank you though."

"What is the other part of the payment?" Inez wondered.

"Nothing important!" Medya exclaimed quickly.

Nahmia looked confused. "I thought you wanted your tail back?"

"You can get your tail back?" Katja asked excitedly.

"It can wait, this isn't the best time for that," Medya said with a glare at Nahmia.

"Is it a potion?" Inez inquired, ignoring how uncomfortable Medya was about this. She really wanted to see the woman she loved get her body whole again.

Nahmia shook her head, not even realizing how red Medya was and oblivious to her glares. "Nah, it is a regeneration cream. Just have to apply it where you lost a limb. It could be used on a hand or a foot, or I guess a tail."

Medya's head hung low as she buried it behind her knees and put her arms up over it, extremely embarrassed. Inez didn't understand why that was bad, she would love to have her tail back! So why did she look so embarrassed about that? Would it not fit in her pants? With a moment of clarity, she remembered the two times she had accidentally touched the nub of Medya's tail the night of the bath in the forest and it all made sense. As sensitive as her tail was to the touch of someone, rubbing a cream into it would probably be like touching yourself on the... oh.... That explains it.

Smiling, Inez crawled over to Medya and slung her arm over her shoulder, pulling her in to whisper to her. "I'm sorry, I was a little slow in understanding what you were feeling," she whispered gently. "But after this battle, I'm going to find a room for you to have privacy in, okay?"

Medya peeked her head up from her arms and flashed her a grateful smile and nodded back at her.

Inez leaned in again, nibbling Medya's ear lightly as her voice turned husky. "But just so you know, I'll be the one applying that cream to your tail. Rubbing it in for hours if need be until you're satisfied with the results."

Medya's mouth dropped open in shock as her eyes widened in disbelief. Did she just offer to...? Yes, she did. And she knows what that will do...? Yes, she does. Oh my. Medya felt warm all over, and suddenly her brain couldn't decide how any of her limbs worked any more. While her mouth gaped, unsure how to respond, Inez's mouth leaned down and captured her own, her tongue dancing inward and tangling with Medya's. Inez was delighted to find that Medya's tongue was rougher, like that of a kitten, and she could only imagine what that felt like elsewhere.

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