Chapter 10

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Medya floated naked in the air, her arms and legs splayed out as she screwed her eyes shut. On the other side of the room, Master Vasati, the sorcerer who had bought her half a year ago was jotting down notes. Lazily, he concentrated, and a whip of lightning shot towards the Kittani, flaying open the skin on her belly. Her scream was measured and noted on the pad of paper, along with those he'd made with the other spells he'd cast at her. One after another, fire and lightning and ice were all used to see which were the most effective. Her body twitched and convulsed as her dreaming mind recalled all the days spent with her master in the tower.

Inez woke to the whimpers of the tiny woman in her arms, and shook her gently, trying to wake her up. She wouldn't awaken, even with a light slap. In desperation, she kissed the girl, but even that elicited no reaction. Finally, she slid her hands down to her tail and gripped it gently. Medya's eyes shot open, a low moan issuing from her mouth as she collapsed, gasping, into Inez's arms.

"I'm so sorry, you were having a nightmare, I had to wake you up! Nothing else was working!" Inez apologized in a whisper.

"It's fine, thank you for waking me. I guess our talk triggered a few memories, so I'm sorry for waking you up," Medya murmured sleepily.

"Don't be. After all you've done for me, it is the least I could do."

Medya wiggled her ass a little, enjoying the feeling of Inez's hand on the stub of her tail and trying not to moan in pleasure. "If you're going to keep holding that, you should at least kiss me first."

"I did," Inez admitted with a smirk. "But that didn't work so I grabbed your tail. Should I have grabbed something else?"

"Go back to sleep my queen." Medya was bold when she was tired. "We have a long day tomorrow and you and your beautiful breasts are already distracting enough." The cat girl's head was already nestled between said breasts, and Inez slipped her hand off the tail and down to Medya's ass instead, pulling her closer and enjoying the skin to skin contact as she drifted happily back to sleep.

The following morning found the trio riding east along the road towards the coast. The morning was cool, but they were happy with a belly full of eggs that had been cooked whole in the embers of the fire with a side of toasted bread. Medya had used her magic to finish drying and warming their clothes, so they felt better about their belongings, and she had found a large shirt in the backpack that fit Katja like a dress to replace her old rags. The older women still wanted to find a place to get her better clothes, but that required a town, and so far, that wasn't in sight.

Medya was quiet during the ride, having been thoroughly embarrassed upon waking. Katja had been playing with her ears while sitting next to her, and that woke her up to her face pressed into Inez's chest with her hand cupping the princess' right breast. Inez hadn't said a thing, just looked down at her like she was fine with the position, but Medya was mortified that she had been groping the future queen in her sleep. Of course, in her second set of dreams she was doing much more than groping, but that might have been influenced by their sleeping arrangements once Inez had woken her from the nightmare.

The funny thing was, Katja was perfectly fine with them sleeping like that. Inez was as well, and Medya wondered if that was just a product of people sharing body heat more in these colder climates, or perhaps she was just repressed. Her mind was busy wondering about all these things, while trying to think of a way to apologize to Inez about the whole groping situation, when her sensitive nose picked up on the scent of the sea.

"We're getting close to the coast, there could be a fishing village ahead," she called back over her shoulder. She slowed her horse so that they could ride together, with Katja in the middle, instinctively protecting their younger comrade.

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