Chapter 5

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Medya lay quietly in the tent, happy to be wrapped in the embrace of Inez. They had lay one of the furs on the floor, and then used the other as a blanket as they huddled beneath it. The shared body heat plus the fire outside the tent served to keep them warm enough to get some sleep, though Medya was finding it hard to keep her mind still while the limbs of the princess were tangled up with her own. Inez consoling her last night had caught her by surprise, and it hadn't ended, even when they went to sleep. The princess had seemed much more upset about her past than she'd expected, and it made her think much better about someone who she'd expected to be more aloof and above such things.

She knew it was foolishness. Inez was a princess and had already been promised once as a bride to a king. Medya was a thief and a small-time wizard who could disappear, and nobody would care. As much as she would like to think about the view of Inez's body, or the feel of her hands when she grasped her breasts and the thought of Inez gazing at her backside, they would lead nowhere. Getting her hopes up, getting her feelings confused, over a woman that wanted nothing more than to reclaim her throne was going to be a mistake. Even if she were to get a reward if she helped her win back the throne, the prize wouldn't be Inez, but some money.

But laying in the tent, with Inez's arms around her, made her want something else entirely. Inez was a stranger to her. She knew nothing other than that she was a princess, and that she now loved to toboggan. Oh, and that she had no problem baring her stunning body to Medya, which seemed to paralyze her mind like nothing had before. Such was a good basis for an infatuation, and Medya knew that she was indeed already feeling that. But beyond that, she'd never have.

When she had lived on the streets, there were other thieves and beggars that would profess their love to the people well above their station. They would think that a kind word or gesture, or a few gold pieces in a cup, could mean so much more than a simple act of kindness. Those people would always profess their undying love for the person who had been kind and would follow them across the city for the merest glimpse of them.

Medya wasn't going to fall into that trap.

Alright, so she was going to take her through the woods and on a boat and then through a mountain pass, but then when she was delivered to the person who had hired her, then she could evaluate their relationship at that point. No emotions, strictly business, just see if there was an offer to help reclaim the throne and what it would get her. Even money and a home away from the slavers in Dallinia could make it worth it.

Yes, that was a good solution. Be safe, keep her head, no emotions. None. Zero. She could do that, right?

But then Inez pulled her closer in her sleep, nuzzling her neck with her lips and Medya's mind flew away. No! This wasn't real. Inez doesn't even realize what she is doing. Her grabbing Medya's breasts was an accident. The flashing her body had been a social custom difference. The ogling her butt had been a search for a tail. There was nothing there!

Inez's hands moved down to Medya's ass, squeezing it, and pulling her on top as the princess rolled onto her back. Medya gasped in surprise, causing Inez's eyes to fly open. As she took a hasty inventory of both her surroundings and where her various body parts were, she quickly rolled out from under the Kittani, her face a blushing red color.

"I'm so sorry!" Inez exclaimed, embarrassed at her actions, and hoping that Medya didn't take offence. Ever since she'd heard of how the Kittani were treated as sexual playthings, she had felt badly for all the ways she might have made Medya feel uncomfortable. And yet here she was, taking advantage of her in her sleep.

"It's fine," Medya whispered, her heart hammering. "I know you meant nothing, though I hope it was a good dream."

Inez clammed up, not wanting to tell Medya what they had been doing together in her mind while she slept. The spark that she's always wanted, was blooming with this young thief, and she didn't know what to do about it. "We should probably get going. Maybe we can find a town today."

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