Chapter 18.

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{Hold on to your hearts for this one.}


(Jackson POV)

I sit outside the diner. The stinging feeling of her hands leaving mine becomes more unbearable with every passing second. She likes me. I was so stupid, So so so stupid to let her go and not say what I have been fighting against my heart to believe, That her shitty stupid book drama nonsense of 'falling for someone just in the first meeting' could be true, and I could be the one making it true. Whatever it was, no I just want her soft feather like tiny hands on mine again. Hold her in my arms and make her feel safe, feel loved. 

Yes, loved. Someone was right when they said, "You don't realize how much somebody means to you until you experience the cost of loosing them." Right now, under the dark cloudy night sky. I, Jackson Kenner of Spring Valley- the football team captain and scholar guy of the school who shrugs of girls like bugs is sitting here, alone, longing for the girl I only met recently? But then memories of her floods my mind- her perspective to view things.. her childish attitude that she doesn't let people know and her awestriking beauty was really enough.

Sighing I look up to the full moon shining brightly. Vienne's smiling face flashes in front of my eyes. God I miss her. I have left her 10 texts, called her 5 times which has straight went to voicemails. Dang it. Suddenly I remember Sarah. Its almost been 20 minutes since she's left and since I'd been cursing myself. Sara might tell me how's she's doing.

 Sara might tell me how's she's doing

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I frown at her text. She doesn't know? Did she not know Vienne is home or- my mind doesn't want to think of something else beyond that. 


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No. No. NO. This ain't happening. My heartbeat escalates at the thought of her not being safe. Shit shit shit. Where shall I go? Where- Where are you Vi?

(Author Perspective)

Vienne's hair were a mess, her hands wrapped around her arms and tears freely running down her face. Her feet were tired and her heart was shattered. Once again the guy she liked- loved, didn't like her back. As she was trying to collect herself from falling apart even further, she had lost the track of time. Her steps were small, like she doesn't care where the way took her- she just wanted to be away. Away from him. Thankfully she applied waterproof makeup today or else someone would have mistaken her as a Halloween dressed up witch because of the amount of tears her eyes has laid out today. Broken, alone and cold she was gathering up all the pieces of her and walking until..

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