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"WITH HOW MUCH YOU'RE training, you're scaring everyone even more than you already was."

Ella glanced at where Isis was sitting on her bed, cross-legged and leaning against the wall, fingers tapping quickly on the keyboard. There had been a shift in the atmosphere of their room for a while now, but these days it felt especially calm. Her roommate was busy with some sort of coding project Ella understood absolutely nothing about, but it somehow had Isis so fired up the girl barely slept. Still, she looked softer. Clarkson met up with her frequently after seeing her wounds and though Ella had no idea what they talked about, she could clearly see Isis found support in the conversations.

"What are you talking about?" Ella said, continuing to unwrap the bandages around her knuckles," I'm incredibly charming, no one was scared to begin with."

Isis chuckled, not even looking up from her screen.

"Sure, that's why they are scared of Will, his lack of charm."

"Don't let Alex hear you," Ella said with a shake of her head," he'll be offended you didn't mention him."

A small smile crept up on Isis' lips as she looked up at her for a fleeting moment, before focusing back on her screen. Ella waved as she left the room then, ready to meet up with the girls. She had invited Isis as well, but her roommate had declined gently. They were comfortable with each other, but not friends yet, nor was Ella sure if they ever truly would be. That was fine though. She would never be able to be friends with everyone and that was okay.

Elisabeth, Mia, Will and Ava were sitting in the middle of the cafetaria, the first two looking at Ava in wonder as the girl painted their nails in her trademark fuchsia. Mia was already done, a smile on her face as she showed Will her hands, his lips parting in amazement. Ella had asked the girls to meet up because it felt like it had been ages since she had truly caught up with them, especially now she made herself so busy these days, but that didn't mean she wasn't happy to see Will as well.

"El!" he beamed, spotting her first and waving wildly with his arms.

The tables were all filled except for theirs, the cafetaria buzzing with sound and laughter during lunch time. Despite all the noise everyone's attention immediately snapped towards her when Will spoke up, people somehow always keeping up with what he was doing like he was some sort of local celebrity. Okay, he actually was in a way, but still. At least with Levi they all stayed quiet.

"Hey guys," Ella smiled, taking a seat opposite Will and Mia.

"I'll be leaving then," Will said, moving to get up," enjoy your time together."

"What are you talking about, silly?" Ella said," you can stay."

"Don't tell Alex," Ava said with a shake of her head," I can't take another dramatic speech of his."

"They're so adorable though," Elisabeth chuckled," and it's fine, he's doing something with Levi and Kai today."

"Yeah," Ella nodded," Kai's getting a new apartment and they're looking for furniture. Levi alone couldn't be trusted with any interior design choice."

"I wanted to come along," Will pouted," but I had training, so I couldn't skip school along with them."

"The thought of skipping school always has given me heart palpitations," Mia said with a solemn shake of her head.

"I practically have them too," Elisabeth replied," I love your family, Mia, but incurring your uncle's wrath is no joke."

Ava was done with Elisabeth's nails then, closing the polish as she looked back up at her. "Speaking of you loving her family, how are things between you and Clarkson Junior? Last I heard he was going to ask you out again."

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