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WITH THE WAY LEVI froze, it almost seemed like he had been stabbed himself. He slowly turned from her to the window, lips parting as he tried to process the information. Before he could the officers already pulled them along, likely thinking they were still in shock after everything that had happened. Levi didn't protest, didn't ask her for more information, he just stayed silent. If Ella hadn't known him, she would've assumed he didn't want anyone who ran away to be in his family. Levi as he portrayed himself to the world was cold and tough, someone who didn't need anyone in his life, especially if they didn't seem to want to be.

She knew him though. He had been there during all his mother's relapses, had patiently helped her each time she got out. The anger towards his father was there and would always be, but especially with the stories she had heard regarding how violent he had been in the past, she knew the sizzling fury was dulling somewhat. It wasn't like he was the forgiving type, far from it, but the people he held close in his heart were always en exception. There was no way either Will, Ava or Alex could ever do anything for him to shut them out of his life. Family had always been more than only sharing the same blood to him, but either way, it meant a lot.

Even if he decided he didn't want Kai in his life, he did most likely want to know him. And if not, she at least wanted to give him the chance to be able to choose.

"What are you doing?" the officer exclaimed as she slipped through his arms, turning to run.

"Ella!" Alex exclaimed while being forced into a police car," help me! Tell them I'm your savior!"

"I am her brother!" Sebastian protested, already in the car," why would I have anything to do with this? All those men involved were old and balding, don't throw us in the same group."

"Sure you're the victim's brother," one officer scoffed," what's next? The boy next to you is her cousin?"

"As a matter of fact -" Alex began.

"Fairly sure Sebastian does have a sister," another cop interjected.

The men who had actually been involved with the crime were a lot less enthusiastic, all of them shifty and anxious, not to mention bleeding. They were cuffed and being put in the cars, Carlo threatening them all while others cursed. Everyone was moving, but in the midst of all the chaos she could only fully focus on Levi, their eyes locking before she turned to run.

"Eleanora," he said.

"I'll be right back," she promised.

Then she was off, sprinting through the house to the window, jumping over within no time. The backyard was a mess of weeds, the door behind ajar, leading to  a forest drenched in dusk. Normally she wouldn't have had an idea where to go, but one look down showed blood splatters on the floor, an orange glow on them from the setting sun. In horror movies she always cursed at the main character for running straight towards danger, but she had long since discovered it wasn't like she could avoid it anyway.

Okay, was it a smart and thought-out decision? No. Was she known for them? Also no, so it was fine.

"O my God," she muttered underneath her breath as she ran the straight line Kai had taken through the trees," how far has this man gotten while being stabbed?"

"Not far enough, apparently."

Her head snapped to the right, the sight of a man in the woods welcoming for the first time. Kai was sitting on the twigs and pinecones scattered across the grass, pale and breathing quickly. His shirt was stained red around the knife, but he hadn't removed it yet. Good, because it was probably the only thing stopping him from bleeding to death.

"I'm going to call an ambulance," Ella said.

"Don't," Kai breathed," I don't want to go to a hospital."

Sinful (WICKED #2) | ✓Where stories live. Discover now