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LEVI DIDN'T SPEAK ABOUT what had happened, but he didn't need to for Ella to see it still weighed heavily on his mind. Though he pretended like nothing was going on, he was clearly quieter than normal. It was not her place however to speak on how he handled his trauma, only to support him in the best way she could. Finding the right words to do so was difficult, especially when she hadn't been in the same situation before. Her issues with her father never had been because they weren't close, just because he wasn't here anymore. She didn't know which one was worse; to know him and hate him or to love him and miss him.

The air between Mia and Will seemed somehow changed as well. Where they had been close and friendly with each other before, they were more stiff now, Mia's voice rising in pitch every time they spoke. If it had been somebody else Ella would have said they had hooked up, but she knew these two were too precious to even think about it. Hell, Mia would probably faint at the thought of Will being so close.

As if reading her mind, Alex leaned back in his chair, whispering towards them. "Dude, do you think we have to beat up Mia's fiancé soon?"

"Alex, it's nine o'clock," Levi said, staring at him," I do not have the mental capacity to comprehend your thought process right now."

First period was Physics and no one seemed happy about it. Alex was seated in front of them in the back, Will and Mia beside each other in the front row. The person beside Alex had left ten minutes in the lesson to sit somewhere else, Alex his minute-long speech about how he thought his dreams were prophetic seeming to have been the last drop. Will and Mia however had been shy around each other the whole thirty minutes they had been there, Mia's ears red as she lowered her gaze when their eyes met.

"Something is obviously going on, Peterson," Alex said, tapping his finger against his temple," luckily for us my brain is a masterpiece on it's own, I have already thought up ten terrible plans to get rid of all the obstacles in Will's way."

"While that sounds like a fun way to pass time," Ella chuckled," I doubt Will would appreciate us meddling by beating up someone."

"Should we do something more grand?" Alex asked," like arrive on Mia's doorsteps dressed up as angels and sing her a serenade in Will's name?"

"How have you never taken drugs?" Levi frowned," you can not be sober with everything you say."

"I'm an enigma, I don't need drugs," Alex said," in fact, drugs need me."

"You are not an enigma," Ella said," I know every thought that crosses your mind from the moment you wake up because you have absolutely no filter."

Alex continued to talk about nothing all first period, making it pass quickly. Second period was PE, Ella's thoughts with Levi as she changed into her gym clothes. Ava applied her lipstick, glancing up at her from where she was sitting.

"How was the party?" she said," I didn't see you the whole night."

"It was..." Ella paused, not quite sure what to say. "Eventful, I guess."

"It was quite uneventful for me," Ava said, leaning back against the wall," unfortunately I didn't even succeed in finding a rich man who wanted to sponsor me for just existing."

"Why not?" Ella said," doesn't he realize you gracing him with your presence is a blessing enough on it's own?"

Ava shook her head, sighing. "Men, they never understand anything."

She was quiet for a moment, glancing up at the ceiling. The room had cleared out, leaving only the two of them behind, but though Ella knew they were late she didn't really care. The most Clarkson would do was let them run a few laps and she never had minded running.

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