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"So he's really dead..." Vittore asked me as he scrolled over the pictures I'd shown him of Matteo's last moments.

"Dead as a doornail. If it makes you feel better, he cried and begged," I said as he passed over the phone to me.

We'd both taken showers and had on clothes from the motel's lost and found. We'd thrown out and brunt the others along with anything that had Vittore's blood on it. He now rested on the bed's headboard, looking extremely pale and tired.

"We'll leave in the morning. Lie down and get some rest," I encouraged, standing up and walking over o where he was.

"No I-"

"You nothing you bloody Italian. You're going to sleep and that's final. I'll keep watch for now."

"I don't want to leave you awake," Vittore mumbled as I guided him down into the covers and pulled the sheets over him, up to his chin.

"I'll be fine," I said with a roll of my eyes. "I'm a big girl plus... you need the sleep."

"Wait... what about how you found me and-"

"We'll discuss all that in the morning amore ok? Now rest," I whispered. "I'll be right here if you need me."

Vittore's was exhausted and his eyes fluttered closed. I made a move to leave but he reached out from under the blankets and held my hand, pulling me to sit next to him.

"At least until I fall asleep," he grumbled and I sighed, not arguing. I linked my fingers with his and held on, running my hands through his hair because I could. I stayed by his side, long after he'd fallen asleep, just staring at him.

God everything had changed hadn't it?

I'd love to think so. But we weren't done. Not in the slightest. We still had the Don of the Ravens to get to. That thought alone got me up and out fo the motel room. I locked it behind me of course and made my way down the road. The jeans I had on were a little too snug around my hips and butt and longer than I would like but paired with the large black Powerpuff Girls shirt I had, I guess I looked presentable.

At least I didn't have blood on me.

I made my way down the street, my eyes catching the sight of a gas station that had a small restaurant and supermarket. I walked into the supermarket and smiled at the guy up front before weaving between the aisles.

I grabbed three bottled of water and hid them under my shirt.

Shop lifting.


I picked out a few chocolates, bags of Lays and two orange juice boxes. Everything went under my shirt or even in the black sports bra I had on. I couldn't take much more but at the back of the store, there was a little pharmacy and I asked the guy for iron tablets which he generously gave.

This time, they were mostly for Vittore. I was handling it with my disease right now so it didn't matter much but Vittore needed his strength back.

I wondered around the store a little more before I left and the guy at the front again looked at me weird but my eyes dared him to do or say anything.

By the time I got back to the motel, it was getting close to 5am and the sun would be up in no time. I opened the door and placed all I had bought on the bed, separating stiff for me and for Vittore for when he decided to wake up.

A beep sounded from my phone and I picked i up from the bedside where I had left it. The Crimson Raven sent me pictures and God were they gruesome. They really went all out with Jordan didn't they.

-Threat eliminated sister-

I smiled at the Crimson Raven's text.

-It was about time-

My reply was short, brief and seen immediately. I smiled and decided to take a nap myself. I secured the door and slipped in under the sheets with Vittore. Once I was settled, he moved, spooning me, his breath fanning against my neck.

"You're supposed to be asleep," I accused and he pulled me closer.

"I was until you came in so just shut up," he said oh so politely.

I rolled my eyes but complied and it wasn't long until the slumber pulled me under.

. . .

I was glad for the dreamless sleep I had and woke up when the sun had already risen and Vittore was acing small circled on my exposed midriff. I closed my eyes, trying to catch the lats bits of sleep I could and I felt Vittore plant a kiss on my cheek.

"Is that going to become a habit?" I grumbled.

"Until you don't want to be my wife and Dona... yes."

Right... there was that. It seemed so weird. I constantly forgot. I opened my eyes and turned so Vittore and I lay on our sides facing each other.

"We have to kill the Don of the Ravens," I said getting straight to the point.

"Yeah I know," Vittore mumbled and run a finger down my cheek. "He had some supporters in the group I met yesterday and well... things went south. How did you find me anyway?"

"You know how we suspected Maddox for treachery?" I asked and he nodded. "Well it wasn't Maddox. It was Lily. Jordan and Matteo were working with the Ravens' Don and he gave them some of his men which included Lesedi's old guard. The one she was supposed to kill. It wasn't hard to connect the dots and when heard she set you up... I had to come for you."

"You couldn't have brought a team?" Vittore asked with a frown. "What if you got hurt?"

"I didn't and that's what matters right?" I mumbled and sighed. "Things are getting out of hand. We need to act and we have to act now."

"Yeah I know." Vittore said and sat up. I turned on my back and watched him. "I found out his name."

We all knew who the he was. The man who killed Faye's mother... the cause of all of this.

"You did?" I asked excited, sitting up. "God that's the best fucking news I've heard in a month. What it it?"

"Antonio Gates."

"What?" I asked sitting up, feeling like the world was crumbling. You have got to be fucking kidding me.

"Antonio Gates, brother to-"

"Andre Gates," I completed slowly, looking away from Vittore.

"Sì. Andre has a wife, Emily and three children, Logan, Kay and one who died a few years ago."


"What?" Vittore asked, confused why I was saying my own name but I couldn't look at him. I was suffocating in my own grief and anger... I just...

"The so called deceased child is Dalia Gates. It's... me."


*evil laugh*

Property Of Vittore Martinelli ✓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ