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"Welcome Dalia, to Pride," Faye cheered as we walked into the large spa and salon. The reception was filled with women of different shapes, sizes, races and religion, all waiting for something as they softly chatted amongst themselves. Faye pulled us to seat next to two girls who looked a lot like twins, hijabs covering their faces.

"Vittore owns half this company so everything we're going to do is free!" Faye cheered like that was the greatest new she's heard since Target.

"Vittore owns this?" I asked surprised and the older woman nodded.

"This among many others," she commented and I sat back in my seat, speechless. How rich was he exactly?

"So what are we waiting for?" I asked and Faye hummed, looking through her bag, pulling out a phone.

"Oh some lady called Lin. She's the owner basically. Knows Vittore. She's the one doing our makeovers today."

I nodded at Faye's words as we waited for her to text someone.

"So... what's our agenda?" I asked Faye.

"Well first we have chiropractic adjustment-"

"Wait what?" I asked blinking.

"Chiropractic adjustment. I think they crack your bones or something..." Faye said, trailing off like she herself wasn't sure. "Anyway after that, we have a massage then a soak in some herbs that'll help cleanse our skin and all. Then, we have a mani pedi."

I blinked at the woman as she got more and more excited the more she talked.

"I don't think I like the idea of my body being poked and prodded at," I said simply, my brows frowning.

"I also got you and appointment with their hairstylist to blow dry your hair and curl it for you."

"What are we waiting for then?" I asked, with newfound excitement. My hair was mostly easy to deal with but I couldn't remember the last time I had the curls professionally tended to.

"For me I'm assuming."

I turned to see a very beautiful Chinese woman walking towards us. Her hair was as straight as a board as it rested on her shoulders, over the black jumpsuit she was wearing. Her eyes were a light brown colour and her lips were painted red, the feature popping out on her pale skin.

"I'm Lin. Owner of Pride. You must be Faye Cefalo," the woman said, her eyes never once going to me.

"Yes I am. We are here for our appointments. Sorry we are late. A few things had gotten out of hand," Faye explained standing up and pulling me with her.

"No worries. If you would please follow me."

Faye and I moved behind the Chinese woman as she meandered through the spa and salon. The place was great, shiny marble covered the floors and I could see my reflection in them.

"If you'd take a seat. Kaleb and Jase will be with you in a moment for your massages and the chiropractic adjustment. There are some robes in the changing rooms. Please take off all articles of clothing and jewelry and slip them on."

This 'Lin' character was a whole new breed of person. Though her smile was warm and her tone was soft, there was no emotion in her words and there was a hardness in her gaze. She was like a walking bomb. I wonder what upset her.

"Thank you Lin," Faye said with a genuine smile of her own and we were left alone in the room that had two massage beds and a bunch of candles for light. It smelt of smoke and sage in here.

"You change first," I offered and Faye nodded, going inside the room and coming back a few moments later so I could change too.

I folded my clothes and kept them hidden, including the gun on the holster that had been strapped to my thigh. I sat on the other chair with Faye as she scrolled on her phone.

I opened my mouth to ask her something but it closed just as quickly as the door was opened.

I looked over and my eyes widened.

Two buff looking guys, one with pale skin and dark hair, the other with deep brown skin like mine and short curly hair walked through. The dark skinned guy sent me a smile and a wink.

"I'm Jase and this is Kaleb and we'll be the ones working on you this evening," the pale skinned man said.

Faye and I looked at each other at the same time, the same confusion reflecting in my deep brown eyes reflected in her dark ones.


Faye was unsure how to address the situation and so was I.

"If you don't mind, we'd like to get started," the dark skinned guy, Kaleb said, his voice was deep and horse unlike Vittore's deep and velvety one. Let's not forget he doesn't have the same accent as my Italian.

Kaleb moved over to me, giving me a kind smile I didn't trust.

"If you'd lay down on your side please," he suggested gently and I gave Faye another glance but she was following Jase's orders.

I narrowed my eyes at this 'Kaleb' but still did as I was told. He put his hands around me in a weird position and I had no idea what he was doing until he pressed down on my lower back and a loud pop sounded in the room.

I gasped as I felt sudden relief in my bones and quickly pushed Kaleb away, sitting up. I touched where my back had just been cracked like a cookie and was surprised at the relief that now flowed through my body.

"What the fuck was that?" I breathed and another loud pop sounded in the room followed by Faye's small squeal.

"Oh my God!" the older woman gasped as she relaxed on the bed.

"Chiropractic adjustment. It's just a way to manipulate joints in the body. You can call it spinal or joint manipulation. It helps reduce pain and correct the body's alignment and overall physical function," Kaleb explained to me like he's memorized the words in his heart. "That was just the first one. If you'd let me finish, I guess things would be much better for you."

I was hesitant but followed Kaleb's instructions after that and my body had never felt so free and loose. I felt like I could roundhouse kick the tallest man in his jaw.

I lay one the bed on my back, staring at the ceiling, completely spent.

"Are you ready for the massage bit?" Kaleb asked from above me, an amused smirk on his face.

"There's more?" I asked, my bones feeling like jello.

"Sadly," Kaleb replied and I sighed, readying my body for another round of bliss.

I was definitely going to come back here.

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