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The rest of the dinner went well yesterday. Vittore and I had taken the elevator together to get to this floor and I'd never felt more claustrophobic in my life. His whole presence took up the entire space but I dealt with it.

Today, i made my way to his office. He said something about a mission he wanted us to carry out with Alexa and Maddox who were already here. I was the last one to go and for good reason. I'd slept late, reading through each and every word on the marriage contract.


Everything seemed legit and it was a pretty good deal. All Vittore wanted from me was loyalty to the mafia and to him so the whole image of the Martinelli familia wasn't destroyed. I didn't exactly care. I wasn't going to be with anyone any time soon.

I pushed the door to his office open and I wasn't surprised to see they'd started planning without me. I just rolled my eyes and stood next to Maddox and listened to what Vittore was saying.

Something about finding a guy called Sante Di Laura . He was the head of the Vipers, the mafia that attacked but Sante was in hiding at the moment. Our tar

\get was his right hand man.

"Wait a second. You want me to what?" I asked Vittore and he glanced up at me. I could tell he was holding in a sigh.

"Lesedi Khumalo. That's Sante's right hand man. He's a con man from South Africa but about a decade ago, he found his way here and of course Sante took an interest in him," Vittore explained.

"So you want me to seduce him with the African charm I was obviously born with-" Alexa coughed at that but I still continued. "but the thing is, I don't know anything about South African culture which I'm sure he'd find interesting. My parents are both from somewhere in East Africa."

At least I thought they were. They never really talked about anything before they moved to England then here. My incubator had immediately gone into fashion and my sperm donor doing whatever he does. How do I still not know what his work is? I should probably find out. But after he was successful, they moved out of England and settled in Santa Pores. I was about six or eight at the time.

"The only way I'm getting through to him is having the sluttiest outfit you can find for me and the sexiest American accent I can forge," I mumbled under my breath, mostly to myself.

"Did someone say slutty?"

Lily walked into the room, pulling a rack of clothes in with her. She stood straight, a wide smile on her face. Her blonde hair was up in a tight ponytail and she wore a short cute yellow dress. Her eyes moved over to Maddox who had an indifferent look on his face.

"So what look are you going for?" she asked, taking her eyes off the red head and looking over to me. "You owe me 50 bucks by the way. Do you know how hard it was to get the blood stain out of the white lace dress?"

"Sorry about that," I said not really sorry. I didn't care.

"I'm sure you don't mean that..." Lily said under her breath.

"Lesedi loves golf. He's staying at one of the hotels near the course and according to some spies I'd sent prior, he has a system that he doesn't seem to break," Vittore started.

"Ok so what are we working with here?" I asked, setting my hands on the table.

"He's out fo his apartment by 9am. There are two guards stationed at the door both on the inside and the outside. Alexa is going to go as the maid who comes to clean up his room at 9:10am to 9:30am," Vittore explained.

"That gives me a twenty minute gap to take out the guards and disable any sort of alarm or hidden surveillance in the rooms," she said pulling out a blue print of the general look of the apartments.

"What about the guards at the door. If Lesedi comes back, he's obviously going to know they've gone missing," I stated.

"That's where I come in," Lily aid loudly, coming up to my side. "We'll get four men with similar build and size and I'll do their make up to look somewhat similar to prevent rise of suspicion."

"Ok what about Lesedi?" I asked.

"He'll be with one more guard who meets him at the elevator," Vittore said. "To prevent suspicion, we are not going to tamper with him. The guard is going to escort Lesedi to the court where he'll meet his caddy girl. Her name is Khloe, she's 17 and according to what we managed to get from her, Lesedi doesn't know the meaning of the word personal space."

"What does she look like?" I asked and a paper was slid to me. A pretty brunette girl with honey brown eyes stared back at me. Pretty.

"So he's got a thing for minors?" I mumbled.

"That's your job. You're going to have to find a way to get you to take him to his room," Vittore said and he sounded like he was forcing the words out, acid dripping from each letter.

"I can do that," I said softly, watching the way the Italian's hands balled into fists.

"I have the perfect outfit," Lily suddenly said. "The sluttier the better right?"

"Exactly," I stated pointing at her. "What about Maddox?"

"He's going to be on the look out, following mostly you and Lesedi around to prevent any hiccups in the plan," Vittore answered me.

"I have the same job as last time," I sighed.

"Yeah well when you're the youngest, you get the jobs no one wants," Alexa asked.

"I'm the youngest?" I asked shocked looking at Alexa. "How old are you?"

"I'm 22."

"You're what?!" I asked surprised. She acted like she was 16.

"How aold are you?" I asked Maddox.

"27," he answered.



"What the fuck man?" I asked. I was the only teen and the youngest. Vittore was 23, which I'd learnt from Faye so he too was one of the younger ones but Maddox. He was 27. Mind blown.

"So when does this all go down?" I inquired, chaning the subject.

"Tomorrow so I suggest you all rest up," Vittore said gathering the plans that had been laid out on the table.

"Wait? What are you going to do?" I asked him, realising he hadn't said anything about him being part of the plan.

"I have some business to take care of and I'll join you when I can," he said and nodded at us before leaving. I didn't ask anything more because I knew he wasn't going to tell me anything.

"Dalia, come with me. We should work on what you're going to wear," Lily said and I followed her out of the room.

Meanwhile, a plan brewed in my mind. I bet Lesedi knew some thing about my father and I was going to get information off of him when I had the chance but there was something bugging me.

Alexa was 22.

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