✧Chapter 38 - Opposite Date

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Just info, my laptop's all messed up and I can't seem to connect to any wifi. So I'm writing this on my phone. Which means, chances are there's more typos and messes.

Bear with me and just comment at the ones I screwed up. Thank youuu : D


~Third Person's P.O.V.~

Tori, André, Beck, Robbie, and Trey are all sitting around one of the tables outside. Thalia and Jade are working on their collaborative project for dance class and R&B Vocals. Aliana is helping them with the dance moves while Cat wants to be there so she can record get some inspiration for her next assignment.

"Did you find it?" Tori asks André, putting down her soda bottle.

"I'm looking." André replies without looking up from his pearpad.

"Just search Gargantosaurus." Beck tells him.

"I know what to search." André rolls his eyes and stare at Beck blankly.

"You are all seriously gonna spend your Saturday night at a museum, staring at a bone?" Trey asks them weirdly. He doesn't understand the appeal of a bone.

"It's a new discovery!" Tori informs him excitedly, "The third biggest dinosaur bone ever found in California."

"I hear it's a femur." Robbie adds in the same excitement. "That's a leg bone." He continues when his friends just give him weird looks.

"Again, it's a bone." Trey states.

"Okay, here we go. I got it." André sighs out and reads his pearpad, "The Gargantosaurus femur bone will be on display tomorrow night from 7 to 11 p.m. at the Museum of Large Bones."

"The name of the place is "Museum of Large Bones"?" Trey asks again with furrowed eyebrows.

"Yep. This is gonna be great!" Tori cheers happily, dropping her tomato back on the plate.

"You don't hang out a lot with friends, do you?" Trey asks her jokingly.

"Just because I don't take a swim in the mall fountain in the middle of the day doesn't mean I'm not fun." She retorts, raising an eyebrow at him.

"That was one time." He groans out, "And your sister pushed me!"

"To be fair, you tried to push her first." Beck points out with a smirk.

"Karma's a bitch." André laughs out loud at the memory.

"Oh.... My gosh!" Robbie randomly yells out.

"What about your gosh?" André asks him curiously.

Robbie only glances up before looking down at his phone, "To celebrate the launch of the new pearpad three, the Pear Store at Thee Grove is giving away three new pearpads."

"How do you win one?" Beck asks, now interested.

"By making a video showing how much you want one." Robbie reads off his phone again, "The best video makers each get a pearpad three. I got to work on this all weekend!" He declares, the gears in his brain already turning around to think about it.

"Sounds more like an assignment." Trey states.

"Noooo." Tori whines, "What about the dinosaur bone? It's a femur." She tries to convince him.

"I gotta work on my video!" Robbie argues, "André, you wanna do it with me?"

"Uh.... Nope, I've got a pearpad." He lifts his to show it to Robbie.

"Yeah, a two." Robbie scoffs mockingly.

"What's so great about the three?" Beck asks him with furrowed eyebrows.

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