✧Chapter 9 - Thalia Dumps Beck (Pt. 2)

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~Third Person's P.O.V.~


"She keeps being jealous over the tiniest things and she would start being rude to whoever the hell I was talking to. It was starting to get annoying over how clingy she was becoming or how every time I start a conversation, she just leaves." Beck sighs at them.


The three of them look at each other before looking at him in disbelief. They don't know how to respond to that. Beck avoided any eye-contact, looking down and picking at the skin of his apple.

Suddenly a pillow flew at his head, followed by other random things from around his RV. He looks up in surprise and puts his arms in front of his face to protect himself from the flying book coming his way, "Can you stop?!" He freaks at them.

"Can you be any less of a dick?!" Jade scoffs at him in anger, keeping herself from throwing a pair of Goddamn scissors at him.

"How can you say that about her?!" Aliana exclaims at him in disbelief. If looks could kill, he would be six feet underground right about now.

"She almost poured a milkshake on someone and made them cry." Beck runs his hand through his hair tiredly.

"That's possibly just being dramatic." Tori shrugs, "Did you even talk to her about why she's been getting easily jealous?" She raises an eyebrow at him.

Beck just stays quiet so Jade continues, "Why can't you just get over your ego, apologize, and talk to her? I mean, seriously!" Jade exasperates.

Beck still remains quiet so Tori decides to say something, "Look, this whole thing might not be completely your fault, I mean mostly you, but she also needs to stop avoiding things. But I don't think you're being fair, you letting other girls flirt with you and this whole Alyssa Vaughn thing is not exactly helping the situation, at all." Tori tells him.

"And kissing Tori." Jade adds.

"Say something, my God!" Aliana shouts to him as she starts to get impatient with his silence.

"I don't know! I- every time we talk, we fight, and then she distances herself so I mostly do the same thing." He mumbles out, nervously.

"Well that's stupid." Jade scoffs, rolling her eyes.

Aliana groans in frustration before walking over to him, "I can't take this anymore." She mutters as she hits Beck on the head.

"Ow! Ana! What the hell?!" Beck complains but is replied with Aliana huffing out a breath and walking back to stand beside Jade, crossing her arms in front of her chest as she glares at him.

"Well, what do you want me to say?!" He exclaims, standing up, "That- that I'm an idiot?! That I messed up the second I kissed Tori in improv? That I am so stupid for not trying to talk to her about all of this and actually ask her about how she's doing? That most of this is my fault and she definitely deserves so much better than how I've been acting and treating her?" He rants off as they continue to stare at him.

"Yes. That is exactly what you should say." Jade states bluntly.

"Fine. I messed up, okay. I was a complete ass for the whole Alyssa thing, especially at lunch. Fuck, not just that but for everything." He sighs, sitting back down. "I know that I've screwed up with her. I should've talked to her about everything instead of avoiding it for God knows how long ago.

"Every time she gets jealous and yells at me, I yell at her back and we never get any talking done and halfway through the argument, I would bring up something and then I would get tired of it all and she would just stop the argument. Afterwards, I'd get mad and annoyed, so I never asked about anything else. I should've kept trying to talk to her and yea, not flirt with random girls to get a reaction out of her."

Shadows / Beck OliverWhere stories live. Discover now