texting 79 + Finally Happy

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"Oh my gosh Jungkook, you will easily pass the admission of Pusan University with that score!" Taehyung chimed happily, his own marks were good enough to get in a decent University but Jungkook did extraordinarily good this time.

"Y/N scored so much better" Taehyung was a bit taken aback from his devastated tone.

"How can you be devastated with this marks? You never scored this much in your entire life and you are still sulking? Jungkook cheer up, just because she topped high school it doesn't mean you got bad a score" Taehyung gave him a push but Jungkook couldn't find peace. The thought of you leaving for Seoul kept pestering him.

"If you want to accompany her to Seoul then why don't you try the other random Universities there, you will get into Yonsei or Hangyang easily. Stop worrying" Jungkook looked at Taehyung, he wasn't wrong, he could do that, if not in the same University then they will atleast be together in the same city.

"Yeah you are right" he smiled, "I can't believe I came this far" he looked at his score once again. His parents must be really happy with him.

"Sorry guys I am late" Both the boys turned around to look when they heard your voice from afar. You were running towards them through the corridor, you were late.

"Geez, did you collect your results?" You said and both of them nod.

"You got the highest score in our high school" Jungkook spoiled it for you.

"What about you?" You asked him, somehow you were more eager for his result than yours.

"He did really good this time" Taehyung replied and smile broke out your face. You were really praying for him all the while.

"Really, oh my God I am so happy" Jungkook smiled seeing you being so excited.

"Go and check yours" You nodded and quickly went in the staff room to collect the marksheet and returned back with a smile.

"Happy much?" Jungkook smiled and you nodded.

"Yes! I can easily get in Pusan with this marks" You announced and Jungkook was a taken aback.

"Pusan? Are you s-serious? You can get in Seoul University with this marks I mean....." You gave him a look. Jungkook couldn't believe that you gave up on the thought of Seoul University.

"Sure and who is gonna pay my rental fees for Seoul? You?" You raised your brows at him. "Pusan is the best here in Busan and ranks 9th in country, why would I leave this convenient place and live at Seoul?"

"N-no actually I thought you wanted to leave" You blinked at him, he made no sense to you.

"Taehyung is he alright? Did he eat something weird in the morning when I was not there" Taehyung shrugged at what you said.

"Maybe, or maybe his extraordinary mind thought of something again" Taehyung scoffed and you sighed.

"What's wrong with you Jungkook?" You tilted your head to get a better look but he stepped back. He was blushing hard.

"Nothing, I just assumed that's it" he sighed. He has been worrying like an idiot for so long.

He looked at you, you were laughing with Taehyung and cracking jokes about him. But he didn't get mad, he felt a different type of happiness building up inside him. After such a long time he finally got some peace.

He was finally happy.

I will miss this book, I don't even know if it's good. I think it's mediocre something, I have read some amazing textfics before this....

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