texting 10 + meet

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I checked the address for the one last time before ringing the bell. It was it, the location and address that Taehyung had sent me.

I pressed on the door bell and waited in front of the big brown door till the guy opened it for me. It was Kim Taehyung my partner for the project.

"Hi! Hope you didn't have much trouble in finding my place" he smiled at me and I shook my head. His place was quite in the open street not hard to find at all.

"No I didn't" I walked in and he moved aside giving me place. His house was huge and extravagant, designed ceilings, wooden floors, all very pretty.

"MOM Y/N IS HERE! I AM TAKING HER TO MY ROOM DO NOT BOTHER US WHEN WE ARE TRYING TO SAVE THE WORLD!" I flinched when he suddenly started to scream, he was Jungkook's friend after all, couldn't be less weird. The one who photosympathize with plants.

"OKAY I WILL JUST BRING IN THE SNACKS ON TIME!" his mother screamed back from the other room. It was a hyped up household.

"Let's go Y/N, follow me!" He walked in front and I followed. His room was upstairs and Taehyung chattered all the way along about how he messed up with the project researching and almost deleted the files from his computer by mistake.

But I recieved my shock of the day when he opened the door of his room and let me in, there was someone else as well, Jeon Jungkook.

Oh shit!

"Jungkook came over suddenly, I hope you don't mind him staying while we will be working" he smiled at me and I looked at Jungkook with the corner of my eyes. I didn't expect to meet him like this all of a sudden.

"No it's fine" I assured.

"Hi, we never really spoke properly before" he said and I faked a smile knowing that we literally text each other every single day only he is unaware of that.

"Yeah, nice to meet you, we can talk more" I smiled and his eyes went big.

"Y-yeah we can definitely talk more" Jungkook told me that he was not really good at speaking to girls in person, so he got shy maybe.

"Ahem" Taehyung coughed, "We need to finish off the project as well" he said and sat on the chair in front of his study table and took out my stationery and belongings.

After a couple of minutes with Taehyung not concentrating at all and Jungkook curling up in a corner and looking at me occasionally. It was weird.

"Lemme go bring in some snacks!" Taehyung jumped up from his seat, "It might take sometime in the meantime you two can have fun!" He left the room closing the door with a thudding noise. Something really wrong.

"Don't take him seriously, he is a little weird" I looked at Jungkook as he spoke. As if he was any less weird that Taehyung.

"No I didn't" I smiled.

"Umm... I... do you like plants... I mean movies?" He was still not over with his photosympathetic plant phase it seems.

"I like both" I replied.

"Woah great, we can hang out for a movie I guess?" I frowned, "I mean your friends, my friends all together, the more the better"

"I don't have friends, for hanging out or stuff" I replied and he blinked at me, it seemed that I was making him nervous.

"Well then my friends, you can join our party if you want?" I didn't reply, I didn't have the permission for hanging out or having too many friends.

"It would have been good but sorry Jungkook, I don't really like hanging out much" I responded, I didn't tell him about my parents being jerks all the while.

"Oh it's okay, I guess it was a bit too sudden so it's fine if you don't want to" he looked down. "Uh..."

"I am back!" The door opened with another bang, Taehyung got no chill at all. "I hope you guys didn't do anything" he wriggled his brows and Jungkook who passed him a glare.

They were nice people, it would have been fun to be their friends but, parents won't allow boys. Once I graduate highschool I would leave that house, I would be free. Then probably I would be able to make friends and have fun.

The time passed by and it was almost seven, I needed to leave, I couldn't be late.

"I need to go now"


Jungkook : Bro ༼ಢ_ಢ༽

Taehyung: ayo,
what's up?

Jungkook : I forgot
to ask for her
number ༼ಢ_ಢ༽

Taehyung : Idiot ༼ಢ_ಢ༽

Taehyung : i made
such a good plan,
wasted gave you two
all my chocopies as
snacks for the sake
and you Idiot ༼ಢ_ಢ༽

Jungkook : I am
sorry bro ( ༎ຶ⌑༎ຶ )

Taehyung : i will
never forgive you ( ༎ຶ⌑༎ຶ )

Jungkook : I am sorry..

Taehyung : Go away
I need some time to
cope up....

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