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3rd Update of the day

Taehyung : Hey Idiot

Taehyung : I did my
job and asked her to
join us on Sunday.
She agreed :)

Taehyung : Don't mess
up this time, you are lucky...

Jungkook : On Sunday?

Jungkook : You already
made her agree...

Jungkook : That's too soon...

Taehyung : Any problem
with that Kook?

Jungkook : Not exactly,
maybe I need sometime?

Taehyung : What do
you mean? You like her...

Taehyung : Are you nervous?

Jungkook : not exactly...

Jungkook : I am just
confused.... if I really
want to go out with
her so soon?

Taehyung : Tf is wrong
with you Jeon

Jungkook : Please don't
get me wrong

Jungkook : I mean ever
since the first day I have
felt something for her...
it is true and I can't deny....

Jungkook : But now....
feels like I don't really
know anything about her....

Jungkook : If she is my
type, if she will laugh
at my jokes, if I will
love spending time
with her and all the
other things....

Taehyung : For that you
need to get to know her?
How can you say that she
won't be your type without
knowing her?

Jungkook : That's the
problem, starting something
from scratch takes a lot of

Jungkook : not that I
am not willing to make
efforts but it scares me
a bit... like I have created
something in my imagination,
if her personality doesn't
go with that, I am afraid I
might mess it...

Taehyung : You are already
messing it

Jungkook : I know I am.

Jungkook : I am sorry for
it... but I can't help...

Taehyung : It's for that
online friend right?

Jungkook : Please don't
blame her, she didn't do

Jungkook : She has nothing
to do with anything I think
or do... the fault is mine...

Taehyung : You are just
so protective of her..... why?

Jungkook : I don't know
what you mean....

Taehyung : Last time I
am asking, do you still
like Y/N?

Jungkook : Yes I do....

Jungkook : I still can't
stop looking at her like
an idiot when she is
around.... I must like her,
but not sure if I am ready

Taehyung : That's....
you idiot

Jungkook : :(

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