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After long thinking hosouk choose what sounded better for his future, despite him not knowing what he would really do exactly but he still chose it.

Jhope Pov ~~~

"Okay let's talk about business now, you said you wanted to be a right hand, right!, well if so then you have to listen, and listen very carefully we don't joke here , you are going to be working as my assistant for now, if you think that all we do is give  drugs to people like you so they can sell it and give us the money then you are wrong, we have a whole intir underground company, not really a company though, it's just.......... all the magic and packaging goes down there, I won't be telling you more about this place nor are we visiting it any time soon for now, you are going to be working with me, like I said as my assistant and secretary, like you will be in charge of managing my meeting schedules, meet up with other dealers for me , make sure to resive the goods from the locations you are going to be given,and of course everything with it's pay, everything will be in it's time, when you advance abit you are going to be able to go to the undergrounds and this is when you will have to make another choice, regarding business of course "

I was listening to v attentively, at least trying my best, my consentration starts lacking when it comes to important stuff like this, to be honest this is one of the reasons why I fail, I raed about something like this on the internet before, I think it's name is adhd, it's where you.......

"JHOPE are you listening to me"tae shouted startling a couple who were sitting on a table near us who apparently entered a while ago

"shit...... Ah yes ... Yes iam.... I just lost consentration for a sec but now iam back " jhope said starteled

"you know iam talking about important shit here and you also know iam forced to give you that job and more importantly I quit hate to the point where I could just end all that and kill you, but dispit all that you are still sitting there day dreaming and not concentrating at all " v put his thumb and pointing finger on his nose Bridge in annoyance.

"do you want to work or not" v looked at me after heaving a big sigh

"yes of course, how are you even still asking, after I was chaised by the police and almost getting caught and I then had to fucking beg you to take me and offered to accept any job as long as iam still on that path, and after all that you are still asking me" jhope said he was in disbelief he had already been through alot with that ass hole and that guy still doubts him.

"you sound like a fucking mad woman, why are you being fucking mad now I didn't say anything, you were the one dozing off during business, the fuck" v rolled his eyes then continued "I think you have known enough for now, but there is two more things, first thing is, you can no longer live with your family"

"easy, but where am I going to stay then" jhope asked likings how stuff sounded but was still abit confused as to where he is going to stay then

"we are going to be giving you your own place but that's after you have achieved the most important thing before you work whith us" v said with a creepy smirk on his face

"and....." jhope said confused but his confusion grew more when v continued

"you have to prove your loyalty and full dedication to us, so what do you think? " v said with that smirk still plastered on his face, it sounds normal but the tone and v's facail Features didn't set right with jhope

"something is up" jhope though to him self .

As jhope was left drawning in his pool of questions and thoughts , Tae was heard munching on the grandma cookies, "what does he mean by that and what do I have to think about I have already said I agree , what if he asks to do something crazy, oh fuck, jhope what are you even thinking about of course it will be something crazy you are working with a wanted man, a Mafia for fucks sake".

Hosouk was having an internal conflict, he wasn't afraid just confused (and maybe afraid, but just a little).

"am I alawed to ask anything" said jhope.

"nope" v casually said returning to his phone and food

"but I......" jhope was then intrupted

"I said no, I think you heard me well when I did, right" v said not lifting his eyes of his phone

"but at least can you tell me when iam taking this test thing?"

"when ever your ready sweetheart" Tae said with a snickering tone.

What'ssssss up baby's, kinda in a good mood today anyway what do you think of the chapter, I don't want to surprise you and tell you that this chapter is older than most of the past chapters but oh well took it too long to come out to the world, I hope you all like it, personally iam not mad at it, it is decent you know, soo yeah hope you like it and ofc if you don't mind tell me your opinion about the story up till now in the comments and if you think someone you know might like this don't hesitate to share

Great thanks to everyone who is reading this story and who voted and just everyone who will see this know I appreciate you 💜💜💜💜💜

Alsoooo.... Can I...... Well can ask you all for a favor, so like iam thankful and all but you know, I work as much as I can on those chapters and all and I even sometimes post during exams when ever iam free I would work on the new chapters or maybe even check on the old boys, what iam asking for is to see some....... Support you know, I just want you all to consider voting or commenting or maybe even both of you really like this story up till now, soooo yeah thanks if you do.

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