31: Help me Remember

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I paced around my room. I had to leave soon in order to make it in time for the detention.

As much as my mind was telling me to not go or to not think much of it, my heart begged me to go.

To speak to him, one on one.

Even if he degraded me, called me a child, an imbecile, regardless.

Maybe it was what I needed.

I shook the thought, surveying my outfit options.

Draco, who was nearly passed out on my couch, firewhiskey in his hand, gestured to the short skirt.

"That's the best option," he slurred.

"Why?" I asked. "Isn't it kind of slutty?"

"Oh come on," Malfoy nearly choked on his drink, coughing a bit onto my carpet. "Like you'd have a problem dressing slutty in front of Snape. That may change his mind about ignoring you," he hiccupped.

I threw my brush at him. "You don't know what you're saying, idiot," I rolled my eyes. "He's not ignoring me. I'm literally ignoring him," I scoffed. "Plus short skirts and being a slut aren't even related."

"Whatever you say," Malfoy said. "About the first part. I agree with you on the second part. As a matter of fact, I think more girls should wear short skirts-"

"Haven't you had enough to drink?" I asked, making a grab for his drink, but he expertly pulled it away.

Malfoy grumbled something inaudible.

"Riss is staying at Jack's place, so you can wait here till I get back. Or not. But you're not staying the night," I warned, pointing a finger at him.

"It's almost nine," Draco slurred, ignoring me.

"Ok, shut up and don't move," I grabbed my room keys and left the dormitory, locking Malfoy in there with a spare key. I really didn't want anyone to find him in this state.

I took a deep breath and tried to compose myself. This was pretty hard to do, considering my heart was beating so loudly I was pretty sure the entire Ravenclaw wing could hear.

I left the through the common room. There was an hour left until curfew, and most students were cozied up in their dorms staying warm and safe from the biting cold of the December night.

I pulled my sweater closer around me, finding my way to the stairs as the candles dimmed, nearly out for the night.

My boots were quiet on the cobblestone floor of the dungeon. I crept down the hallway slowly, afraid to be caught. By what or who, I didn't know. No one in their right mind would just be hanging out in the dungeons at night.

The potions classroom was all the way at the end of the hall, and it lured me closer with every step. Why was I here? Perhaps I should not have come. What if I just ran back up to my father's office, told him everything... told him about the kiss... would Snape be fired? Dumbledore would be furious...

I shook the notion out of my head instantly. I wouldn't jeopardize Snape's career like that.

But maybe this is about more than that, a little voice in my head whispered. Maybe you want him to kiss you again.

I urged my mind to shut up, as Snape could probably hear my thoughts from miles away.

Finally, I reached the door to his classroom. As I was about to raise my fist to knock, the door swung open with vigor; however, it was not magic that had opened it.

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