16: An Invitation

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It was my third day of classes after my coma, and Snape hadn't been to either Advanced nor Applicable Potions.

Everyone was beyond confused when Advanced Potions was empty as all students filed in. Snape had never been late to class.

I still hadn't seen him since he told me to keep my thoughts discreet, and I was itching for a word from him, even just to see him.

As if he had known I was going to be the first into his classroom, there was a letter sitting on his desk the first day I walked in. Out of complete curiosity, I went up to take a peek, only to see it was addressed to me. I opened it and read.

Miss Agoria-

I trust your capability in instructing the class for the following days as I am currently out of office.

Silent reading time will commence, and you will answer all questions.

I will return for classes on day four.

I had stared at the letter, bewildered. How did he know I'd open it? Why did he choose me to 'instruct' the class? There were so many students that were a much better fit. My mind was spinning with questions to ask him.

Today was the third day. Everyone was just as confused as I was, but didn't question his letter.

Was I really that good at potions? Good enough to answer the questions of my peers?

I sat in silence through Applicable Potions for the third day in a row. Things had gone back to normal in the recent days.

I tried to keep Riss excited for the ball, promising her she'd get to dance with plenty of cute guys.

Every time I heard the door open, I'd swing around, my heart jumping, hoping it was Snape.

It never was.

I wrapped up my silent studying, moving on to Transfiguration.

McGonagall's class was always fairly easy for me. Today, we had been transfiguring live insects into material things.

It went by slowly, and even Hermione's antics (she overthought about every single spell she cast. And she was a year ahead of her class in Transfiguration!) weren't entertaining today.

I internally rolled my eyes every time she spoke.

We all turned in our homework, and the day dragged on.

Finally, I caught up with Riss in our room, and we made our way to dinner. We sat alone, choosing to try to continue the conversation from Hogsmeade without being overheard.

"I'm going to ask Snape whenever he gets back," I told Riss, acting natural as I grabbed some pork chops off of the center of the table.

"Snape?" Riss' face cringed. "I'm not sure if we can trust him... he gives creepy vibes. And he's head of Slytherin. He could be in on it!" Her face turned red as her theories spiraled.

I remembered Snape's gentle words all those weeks ago after he had caught Draco bullying me in the hallway. How he had made me feel better about the Dark Mark and what happened to me.

Plus he was a double agent for Dumbledore and You-Know-Who. My father had had to tell me after I had been made one of them.

There was no way Snape was in on this. At least not on Draco's side.

"Look. it will be taken care of," I reassured her. I was running out of time.

"The ball is in a week," Riss stressed. She hadn't eaten a single bite of her dinner.

"Eat something," I urged her.

She picked at her food, unassured of my promise.

We left dinner early, Riss wasn't in much of a mood to socialize with anyone, which was very different from her usual character. She didn't even say hello to Luna and Lacey.

Draco was nowhere to be seen at the Slytherin table.

We reached our dorm early, and answered the Bronze Eagle's riddle correctly. (As always).

I followed Riss up the stairs, and we both plopped on our beds. However, I fell on something crinkly, which crunched under my butt.

I jumped back up, shuffling my hands over my comforter, trying to find the cause of the sound. A letter. Addressed to me in the same handwriting of one I'd just opened a few days ago.

Miss Agoria-

My classroom.

8:00 PM.

The letter wasn't signed, yet I knew exactly who it was from. My hands started to shake, and I dropped it back on my bed.

"Who's that from?" Riss asked uninterestedly.

"Uh- I- I have extra Potions tutoring," I lied. Kind of? Maybe that's what he wanted with me.

"But you're, like, a goddess at Potions," Riss replied, flipping onto her stomach.

"My grades have been falling," I lied.

"What time you gotta leave?"

"I need to be there at eight," I said. "I better start getting ready."

"For Potions tutoring?" Riss giggled.

"I just like to look good," I muttered.

"For Snape?" She waggled her eyebrows.

"Riss!" I exclaimed.

"Oh come on, admit it, Zelle," she laughed. "You have a thing for your Potions professor. I mean, it's okay, don't get me wrong, he is very tall..."

"Do you want me to help you or not?" I snapped at her, annoyed.

"Sorry, jeez. Sensitive subject," she muttered.

I shook my head. "Just help me pick out an outfit."

She raised her eyebrows, but didn't make another remark.

I pulled out a grey pleated skirt with black squares, which reached a couple inches above my knee. It was one I never wore, afraid it might be too short for classes. It would stay at an appropriate length if I didn't lift my arms too high.

Next, I opted for a silky white button-up, leaving a few buttons loose at the top.

Riss whistled her approval.

Next, hair. I left it ruffled and wavy around my shoulders, doing minimal mascara, but going slightly out of my comfort zone with some extra eyeliner.

Finally, I finished the outfit with my black thigh-high socks and Doc Martens.

"I love it," Riss said decidedly. "Classy yet cute. Love to see it."

I laughed, telling her I'd see her later. My heart rate picked up as I walked through the corridors, most students back from dinner, the hallways were fairly empty. I wondered why Snape wanted to see me, yet I was equally excited that he was back from wherever he had gone.

It was seven forty-five, and I was going to be five minutes early. Better than every other time I'd entered, one time being twenty minutes early.

He was back and wanted to see me. Snape was back.

I started worrying.

Was my shift to unbuttoned? It would mess up my collar if I started fixing it now...

Should I have not worn thigh socks? Looking down, I was horrified to see that my thigh highs stopped a few inches before my skirt ended.

Oh no...

After our last conversation, this outfit was not the best idea. I straightened my skirt, hoping he wouldn't see my thighs.

Finally, I arrived to the dungeons and to Snape's classroom. I could smell parchment and pines, and it comforted me.

I raised my hand, bringing it down on the old oak door in a single knock.

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