17: The Visitation

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The second my hand left the cold wood of the door, it swung open with urgency.

The classroom was dark, and candlelight illuminated the room. It was empty except for the foreboding yet alluring figure who stood at the end of the classroom, leaning against his desk, arms crossed.


My breath hitched in my throat. He looked scary in the lighting, his wand neatly tucked into his robes. The hilt poked out slightly.

My lips parted slightly, yet I shut them rapidly after remembering what had happened last time.

"You came," he broke the silence.

"Yeah," I replied. I had a sudden feeling that this meeting was not related to tutoring.

"You look well," he commented.

I awkwardly stood in the doorframe. "I'm awake and well now. Class went well the past few days."

"Good to hear," he said smoothly. "I wouldn't have expected it to go any other way."

"You wanted to see me, sir?" I asked timidly, starting to feel very small in his presence.

He beckoned me to come closer with his pointer and index finger.

I followed his instruction, forcing my jelly legs to follow his command. However, my shaking limbs betrayed me.

"You're nervous," he pointed out, tilting his head.

I bit my lip, suddenly very aware of the exposed skin on my thighs as it started to sprout goosebumps.

"A little, Sir," I whispered.

"No need," he admonished. "I wanted to make sure you were all in once piece after the incident." His arms uncrossed and he placed them by his sides against his desk.

"You saved my life, though," I acknowledged. "I felt you carry me." I blushed, unable to hide it.

"Indeed. I was worried for you," he said, his expression softening, just the slightest.

"Sorry if I was too heavy," I tried to joke, and instantly felt mortified. Did I just crack a joke in front of Professor Snape?

"Hardly. You were weightless," he said softly. "I was preoccupied with saving your life."

His words stole my breath and uprooted my entire plan to try to stay nonchalant and calm.

"Did you see what happened?" I asked, surprised he even heard me.

"I found you in the Room of Requirement, while Mr. Malfoy was fleeing the room, he explained. As I have told you, your thoughts are very expressive."

Oh no, oh no. He would feel how much his words had upset me?

"How did I get to the Room of Requirement?" I asked him, stepping closer. We were feet apart, and I had to crane my neck up to ask him.

Surprisingly, he didn't back away, and instead, looked down at me, an unreadable expression in his eyes.

"The same way you found it, Miss Agoria. You needed a place to escape to. Moments later, I felt complete agony from you. Pain. As if it were my own," he mused, stroking his chin.

I tried not to look at his fingers.

"I sought the room of requirement as you had. I started pacing the castle halls, trying to find you. The room of Requirement helped me find what I was looking for. You," he finished.

I didn't move, momentarily shocked by his words. But that was just what teachers were supposed to do, right? Help out their students. I shook my head. This was what anyone would have done.

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