Chapter 28

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Chapter start

" What do you mean war son " Minato asked as Naruto looked at his son and gave him a small smile

" A man that calls himself Madara Uchiha is coming for my friends and tailed beast and because there are still other tailed beast in other villages then he set war with all of the Great Nations " Naruto said as Minato was shock to hear that name again as Kushina eyes look around for answers

" Son there's something I need to tell you and your mom " Minato said as now Naruto and Kushina was confused but nodded as Minato continued

" The man that killed me and Kushina named himself Madara Uchiha and I wasn't able to tell you Kushina since our son was my general priority at the time " Minato said as Kushina nodded but Naruto aura started to spike as the sky got darker as it felt like a earthquake was about to start

" You mean  he is the reason I was parent-less and blame for everything " Naruto said as Gojo and Hana looked scared as Yugito grabbed Naruto hand and looked at him as Minato and Kushina looked at Naruto with pain in his eye knowing that if they was stronger than they would have been there for their son

" Naruto you need to relax " Yugito said as Naruto got up and vanished out of nowhere

" M-om why was dad so mad about " Gojo asked as he has never seen Naruto this mad in his life as Yugito started to explain to the young boy of his farther past and pain as Minato and Kushina listened in as they didn't know it was this bad

" This war will be the end of my pain after this I will be the one on top " Naruto yelled as he was alone in a valley as he walked to the stone wall that shadows over Naruto as he flicked it with his finger

" NOW FALL " Naruto said as the stone wall split in half as he punch it turning it to dust as this lasted for hours as Naruto was letting out his rage on the valley

1 week later

" DAD GET DOWN HERE " Gojo yelled as Naruto came stumbling down the stairs as he has been passed out after his fight with the valley but he was now holding Gojo on his shoulders as they started there walk to Minato and Kushina new house as Gojo as grown to Minato a lot and Kushina and Hana have also grown close

" You excited to see your Grandparents again Gojo " Naruto asked as Gojo very excited shook his head for yes as Naruto chuckle a little as he walked up to the door and knocked on the door

" Coming " Kushina yelled as Naruto laughed as she opened the door as he was hugged tightly as Gojo jumped off Naruto shoulders and ran in to see his Grandpa as Naruto gave back the hug to Kushina

" Hey mom " Naruto said as this gave Kushina a big smile

" Well come in and I made breakfast " Kushina said as Naruto nodded as he walked in to see Minato showing Gojo some seals he uses as Naruto and Kushina watch in the kitchen

" You know mom he has his own Kekkei Genkai " Naruto said as Kushina looked at Naruto with excitement as Naruto showed his hand to tell her not to be to loud

" Ok ok but what do you mean Naruto-kun " Kushina asked as Naruto looked at Gojo with a smile

" Well you know when he does the flash me and dad are known for " Naruto asked  Kushina as she nodded

" Well if you watch close he actually stopes time but he doesn't know about since he has never used the seals me and dad use and I am going to tell him when the wars is over so I can put all my time into his and Hana training so when I pass then I don't have to worry about them " Naruto said as Kushina looked at Naruto with pride that her small baby has turned into a man 

" Alright Y'all come eat " Kushina yelled as Minato and Gojo walked into the kitchen as they all sat down and ate breakfast

" So Naruto way isn't Hana or Yugito here for breakfast " Minato asked as Naruto had a mouth full of food but got it down so he could speak

" Hana has school and she loves it and I told Yugito to go out with Fuu and some friends for the day " Naruto said as Minato and Kushina nodded as they all finished there food as and Anbu appeared

' This shit again ' Naruto said to himself as the Anbu whisper in his eye as Naruto's eyes got big

" Mom I need you to look after Gojo and Dad you need to come with me " Naruto said as they all nodded as Naruto grabbed both the Anbu and Minato shoulder as the vanished

" You dare come back " Naruto said as the iconic orange mask stepped out of the darkness

" Oh you didn't miss me " Madara said as Minato grabbed his kunai as Madara hold his hands up

" What's your business here " Minato yelled as Madara smiled under the mask

" Just to tell you that y'all have a month until you all die " Madara said as Naruto Kill Intent shot Minato back as Naruto Chakra covered his body

" FOX LIGHTING AMOUR 2 STAGE " Naruto whisper under his breath as he vanished out of both Minato and Madara eyes as he looked slightly scared and confused

' I can't track him down even with my Sharingan ' Madara said as he was looking everywhere to just find Naruto

" Behind you " Naruto said as a Lighting blade was at Madara neck as neither of them move

" If your going to threatened my Village be ready for Hell and the one that reigns over hell " Naruto said with a suicidal smile as Naruto cut down Madara back big enough to leave a deep scar

' I GOT TO GET OUT OF HERE ' Madara said as his personal vortex started around his eye as he disappeared out of sight as Naruto deactivated his jutsu and Kill Intent as Minato walked up to Naruto and put a hand on his shoulder

" I going to have to go for the month so can you and mom take care of Gojo and Hana and Yugito when I am gone " Naruto asked Minato as he nodded

" Of course I can Naruto just know that we are here for you now " Minato said as Naruto nodded as Naruto vanished and Minato vanished back to the house

Chapter end
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