Chapter 13

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'So this is it huh I will one get my revenge or make peace like hell peace will happen but who knows if they get on there hands and feet and beg for forgiveness then maybe but not like I am about to let them go easy HELLLLL NO there will be pain' I said to myself as we appear in front of the gate hidden in the leafs

"HAUT STATE YOUR BUSINESS" Yelled a Guard as we just walked past him and the other guards as they quickly jump in front of us

"YOU WILL NOT STEP ANOTHER FOOT IN THIS VILLAGE" The same guard yell again as I walked up to him with no words a slapped him into a few walls as you could hear the screaming and moaning of pain from him as I looked over the other guards/Anbu

"If you wish not to died then take me to you kage" I said with KI flooding my voice as there shakely nodded as vanished then reappeared in front of me

"O-our Hok-age woul-d li-ke t-o spe-ak" The Anbu said as I started to walk to the Hokage Tower as Fuu, Yugito, and Utakata followed me and guarding all slides as I felt the looks of confusion from the guards and villager we passed

'There it is the place I hate more then he'll huh well this will be gun' I said to myself as I walked into the building then to the council room as I didn't bother knocking on the door as I just kicked it down

"THE HELL" Yelled Mebuki Haruno as I just sighed and thought mother like daughter then I saw a Danzo, Shikaku Nara, Shibi Aburame, Tsume Inuzuka, Inoichi Yamanaka, Chōza Akimichi, Hiashi Hyuga, and the almighty Hokage lady Tsunade and the civilian counsel and someone in the shadows

"Who are you and what are you doing here interrupting a council meeting" Hiashi demanded as I just looked right at the Hokage not paying attention to his demands

"....." It went quiet like they were expecting me to answering them

"ANSWER BOY" He yelled again as I just slowly turned my gaze from the Hokage to him which gave him shivers

"I am here to bear gifts" I said  he looked scared as I just unsealed Orochimaru head and slid it on the council table up to the Hokage as she looked disgusted at the site of the head as some of the civilians threw up some of their lunch

"You asked me who I am which I am not really surprised you already forgot about me but whatever" I said as some looked shocked now

"N-o it can't be" Tsunade said as she now looking at me and now realizing the blonde hair and blue eyes and I laughed lightly at there stupidity

"Oh you mean the one you forgot or more got rid of then YES IT IS NARUTO UZUMAKI OR BETTER KNOWN AS DEMON" I said as they felt the endless feeling of my bloodlust as some of them sunk back into their chairs but the civilians looked scared out of there mind

"What are you doing here you have been banished from entering this Village" Said a certain warhawk as I just laughed to myself

" If you ask me you're the one that should be banished Danzo-" I said with a factual tone which made him look mad but made everyone else look confused on what I was talking about

"But that's not important but what is important is my loose ends"I said as a devil grin come to my face

"Naruto this isn't yo-" Tsunade tried to say as I vanished behind her putting my hand over her mouth as I felt steel on my neck as I chuckled

"OH WELL HELLO THERE S.E.N.S.E.I" I said as grab the sliver hair man hand from the kunai and throw him to a wall as Tsunade jump over to help him up as I looked them both in the eyes

"What have you come to Naruto" Kakashi said as I killed all emotions from my face and looked at them

" I only because what you people create the 'monster' you people tortured and used and when I was out of use you threw me out like I was nothing so tell me Kakashi what would my father think of his prize student" I said as a look of shocked covered all there face but the face of sadness and regret felt so damn good to see from the hokage and my so called sensei

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