Chapter 3

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I wrote my name on the contract and looked though the other names and smiles a little bit then stand away from Kurama and the contract and went though hands signs as a poof of smoke appeared as all I could see was a shadow in it

"WHO THE HELL SUMMONED ME" yelled the Shadow

"I did and could you not yell" I said as the shadow step out of the smoke as my mouth drop

"A fucking kid I can't believe this" said the giant cat as I looked at the cat with a tick on my head

"You know I could have just burned the contract you cat" I yelled as me jump on me pining my arms down with his paws

"I AM NOT NO CAT KID I AM THE BOSS OF THE LIONS" He yelled in my face as Kurama jumped and kicked him on his ribs to get him off me as they were about to fight I got in the middle of them

"Ok calm down Kurama and....What's your name" I said/asked the Lion that had a gray mane but his body had dark black hair

"The names is Hikari no shi kid but for short just call me Hika" Hika said as he let out a low growl at Kurama

"Ok well Kurama and Hika calm down somebody doesn't die because I don't know about you to but I got things to do" I said as the both got out of the fighting stances

"Well why the hell am I hear kid" Hira asked as I looked at him as Kura walked over to me and me and him sat down on the ground

"Well Lion Boss guess why I summoned you" I said as I fiddled with a stick on the ground

"WEL BRAT IF I NEW I WOULDN'T BE ASKING NOW WOULD I" Hika yelled as I just laughed a little at him

"Well I am going to guess you know that happened to Uzushiogakure" I said as he nodded as I explained everything to him and the part of that the summoning contact was protected by a blood seal to prove I am a Uzumaki

"Well today has got better then I thought it was going to be when I can a request to be summoned" Hika said as we all laughed at him

"But I do need to ask if I can be the lion summoner since I am going to be rebuilding Uzushiogakure and all" I said as I scratch the back of my head

"Well kid I need to tell you something before I make my decision" Hika said with a sturdytone as I nodded as he started to explain

"Well the special thing about the lion summon kid is that your personal summon is with you 24/7 and you get to pick out of a litter" Hika said as I thought about it

"Ok well I am ok with that but I would like to talk to the mom and the cubs of the litter" I said as he looked shocked that I said that

"Well kid it looks like I have a great person to be our summoner" Hika said with a slight smile as he summoned the cubs and mother of the cubs

"Kid meant my wife Yami no hikari the mother of my litter" Hika said as I got up and bowed

"Oh stop with the formal stuff kid" Yami no hikari said as I stopped bowing and looked at the lion that was white with a black mane

"Ok Yami no hikari" I said

"Oh just call me Yami and It looks like my husband has pick a good person to be our summoner" Yami said with a bright smile and I smiled back and thanked her

"Well Naruto make your pick of my litter since I know that they will be strong and protect you" Hika said as I nodded but I didn't look at the litter at all

"Well can they talk?" I asked as Hika looked at them and whisper they could talk now and he looked at me and nodded as I nodded back

"Ok well I don't want to be the one to separate you from your family but I will ask if you want to join me" I asked the litter of cubs of lions and one walked up to me

"I would like to join you since you seem like fun and strong to" said the little cub that looked like his father with his body hair being black but there was some highlights of white and gray that match his mane

"Ok well what might be your name then and are you sure you are willing to join me because it no going to be easy" I said as the cub looked me dead in my eyes

"I am Taiyo and I aware of the danger of coming with you but the place back home is boring and I want to do something" Taiyo said as I laughed at how he could be so serious but yet fun

"Ok ok well then I pick you Taiyo son of the lion boss and my personal summon" I said as Hika looked proud at his son and so did his mom

"Well it looks like that was figure out quick" Yami said as we all laughed but Haki and Yami said bye to Taiyo and so did his sister and brothers as they disappeared and I pick him up and put him on my shoulder

"Let's get going" yelled Taiyo as me smiled at me and Kurama which was really quite though all that huh he probably just didn't want to talk

Chapter end
961 words
Lions summon is probably just a lot but I don't really care and thought it would be fun but other than that bye

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