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The sunlight slipped through the curtains of Jimin's bedroom, creating a golden glow to illuminate the sleeping body in his bed. She looked quite cute like this, all snuggled into Jimin's pillow with her lips pouted.

Jimin thought that perhaps he shouldn't wake her. Maybe he should just continue to admire her beauty until her pretty eyes would finally open.

But he had also slaved away in the kitchen to make her breakfast, and he didn't want his hard work to go to waste.

"Baby," he says softly, sitting on the bed. He balances the plate in his lap before brushing her hair back behind her shoulder. "Wake up, kitty. I made you breakfast."

Maria hums tiredly, her eyes still shut as she lazily raises her hand to find Jimin. Chuckling, Jimin takes her hand and presses a longing kiss to her knuckles.

"Waffles?" she smiles sleepily as she cracks her eyes open.

"With whipped cream and sprinkles," Jimin grins.

Maria giggles, sitting up and giving him a kiss on the cheek. She ate her food happily, even offering Jimin a few bites, but he refused.

"Why didn't you eat any?" she asks as she sets the empty plate on the nightstand.

"Because," he laughs, spreading her thighs apart. "I want something else to eat."

Maria blushes, lifting her hips to help him pull her underwear down her legs. Jimin hooks his hands underneath her thighs before lowering his head, and Maria inhales sharply when his lips fall to her clit.

"Jimin," she sighs, tangling her hand in his hair as her eyes slip shut.

The honey-blonde boy hums, causing her to whine as the vibration settles into her bones. Jimin was talented with his tongue, and he knew exactly what to do to have her squirming and clutching at his hair.

"Fuck," she gasps, tugging at his hair as she arches back.

Jimin growls, slapping the top of her thigh harshly. He squeezes the skin after, flicking his tongue quickly as she tugs at the roots of his hair.

"So needy this morning," Jimin coos, turning his head to suck on her inner thigh.

Maria whines, bucking her hips to get his attention, but Jimin slapped her thigh again, his dark eyes looking up at her.

"Kitten," he says in a warning tone.

Maria pouts. "Please?"

Jimin pushes his tongue through his cheek and smirks, shaking his head. "You're lucky it's your birthday."

And that's when Jimin eats her out so good that she almost passes out.

"Oh god," she cries out, thighs shaking on either side of his head. "P-please. Jimin, please, I-"

Jimin hums as her cum flows onto his tongue and down his throat, his hands pinning her hips down onto the mattress as she rides out her high.

"Good girl," he praises, kissing up her stomach.

Maria whines, her hand sliding down to the hair on the nape of his neck as he travels up and up until his lips meet her own. Jimin takes her bottom lip between his teeth and pulls back a little before letting it snap back, and Maria's head spins with lust.

"Happy birthday, baby," he whispers, cupping her cheek affectionately.

Maria smiles, leaning into his palm. "Thank you for my present."

Jimin laughs, shaking his head. "You'll get your real present later tonight. Iris has you booked for today."

Maria hums, wrapping her arms around his neck to bring him down for a kiss. They kissed and kissed until they were breathless, and then Maria trapped him in bed with cuddles.

Not that Jimin minded. It was his girl's birthday, and whatever she wanted, she was going to get.


"Iris," Maria huffs, trying to carry all of the bags in her hands. "You spoiled me too much."

Iris stifles a laugh as she grabs the rest of the bags. "No, I didn't. It's your birthday and all of these gifts are from me."


"Nope," Iris says, giggling. "Now let's go. I'm sure Jimin is antsy to see you."

Maria opens the door to Jimin's apartment—with much difficulty—and nearly drops all of her bags in fright when Taehyung and Jimin jump up and let go of confetti poppers.


Maria blinks in surprise before smiling so wide her eyes turn into little crescent moons. No one had ever cared for her birthday before. In fact, her father forgot it every year.

There were balloons and streamers everywhere, and there was even Aristocats playing on the TV. Because, as Taehyung had declared earlier that day to Jimin, that was the only Disney movie he could remember that was centered around cats, and well... he wanted to do something special for the kitten.

"This is amazing," Maria beams, tears building in her eyes as she hugs everyone tightly. "You guys planned this?"

"I chose the movie!" Taehyung declares happily.

"Come on, baby," Jimin laughs softly, petting the back of her hair. "We have your cake in the kitchen."

Overwhelmed with happiness, Maria lets a few tears fall as everyone sings to her, and she closes her eyes for a wish as she blows out her candles.

"Thank you, Tae," Maria giggles after opening his present, which was a pink, Gucci Bananya sweatshirt. Jimin handed his gift to her next, and she opened it carefully.

The honey-blonde watches with mischief in his eyes as she pulls out a bat.

A bat with KITTEN engraved into the wood.

Maria's pupils dilate as she looks at it, and she holds it as if it's the most precious thing in the world. She lets her fingers slide across the smooth wood; lets herself trace the letters of the nickname she holds so close to her heart.

"Jimin," she whispers in awe.

"Out," Jimin says to the other two, his eyes never leaving Maria.

Taehyung and Iris comply, leaving them in privacy.

"Look at me, baby," Jimin says, his voice deep. He gently slides a hand onto her wrist and shushes her softly when her fingers immediately tighten around the handle of the bat. "Kitten, I know you want to let yourself go, but you can't. Not yet."


"We're going to the club," he continues, stroking his thumb across the inside of her wrist. "Remember, pretty girl? To celebrate your birthday?"

"Yeah," Maria whispers, nodding as she slowly loosens her grip. "Yeah..."

"So you're going to get ready, and we're going to have fun, and then," he smiles, reaching a hand up to cup her cheek. "Then I'll let my kitten have fun."

"Promise?" she frowns, leaning into his palm.

"Promise," he nods, slowly taking the bat from her hands. "Good girl. Now go get Iris and get dressed."

Maria nods, standing up and sparing a hesitant look at the bat before reluctantly walking away.

Jimin, chuckling under his breath, looks down at the bat in wonder. It would seem that the object he was holding was the key to unlock her sanity.

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