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"This is crazy!" Maria shouts, her voice echoing in the tunnel Jimin drives through. She was standing out of the sun roof again, her arms spread on either side of her as the wind of freedom hit her face.

"Faster?" Jimin asks, squeezing her thigh. He could hear her giggles from up there, and the sound made him smile.

"Faster, faster, faster!" she chants, laughing somewhat maniacally.

"Faster, baby?" he smirks to himself, and then he taps her thigh to gain her attention. "Come down."

Maria does as she's told, securing the seat belt back on before looking at Jimin with a beam.

Jimin glances over, laughing at her expression before slamming his foot against the gas.

It was amazing how no cops were around. Perks of Jimin knowing the best roads to go on, she supposes. He eventually pulled into the parking lot of an old, abandoned brick building and they both got out, Jimin guiding her with a hand on her back.

"Where are we?" she asks, and then she shrieks in fright as Jimin suddenly pins her against the wall.

"You're cute, kitten," he murmurs, eyes set on her mask. "But you're a horrible liar."

Maria inhales sharply, frozen against the wall as Jimin slowly hooks his fingers underneath her mask and lowers it under her chin. She watches as his eyes darken and zero in on the cut on her cheek, his jaw setting tightly in anger.

"Who did this to you?" he growls.

Maria feels her throat tighten and tears spring to her eyes. Upon hearing silence, Jimin looks up from the cut into her eyes.

"I'm not playing, kitten. Who fucking did this to you?" he says, dialect pushing his voice lower. "I'll kill anyone who so much as bruises your pretty skin."

The tears she was trying so hard to hold at bay began rolling down her cheeks, and she buried her face into his chest. She couldn't understand why he cared so much. No one ever did. Why should they?

She's just her father's perfect doll, right?

Jimin exhales angrily and places a hand on the back of her head, petting her hair as he pushes his tongue through his cheek.

"J-jimin, please d-don't tell," she cries, and he frowns at the fear that was so clear in her voice despite her speaking into his shirt. "Please."

"Who's doing this to you?" he asks instead.

Maria whimpers and shakes her head, and Jimin drops his intimidating demeanor. It was clear she needed comfort over anything right now.

So, with a softer voice and a gentle side to side sway, he whispered, "Everything will be okay."


The bar was filled, as it usually is, when Jimin entered. He made eye contact with the security and they nodded, knowing who he was. After all, many men who were like Jimin attended this place.

Including Taehyung, who Jimin was currently looking for. The man had been with Jimin for a long time, and they were closer than friends. Soulmates, you see, that would die for one another.

"You look pissed," Taehyung smirks as Jimin sits opposite of him, and the younger takes a swig of his beer.

"Do I?" Jimin mutters, whistling towards the bartender. The bartender sends a thumbs up his way and starts to make his regular.

"You gonna tell me what's wrong?" Taehyung asks, tilting his head to the side.

Jimin sighs, nodding his head at the bartender who brought him his drink. He shakes the glass a bit, the ice cubes rattling inside, before clearing his throat.

"An innocent kitten has fallen onto my lap," Jimin says.

"Oh yeah?" Taehyung says, a shit eating grin on his face.

"Shut up, bro," Jimin smiles, shaking his head.

"What's got you all pissy then?" Taehyung chuckles. "Kitten needs her claws trimmed?"

"No," Jimin tuts, licking his lips as he cocks his head. "Baby kitten is fine. It's someone else I'm worried about."

Taehyung frowns, leaning forward on his elbows. "Who's hurting her?"

"That's the question," Jimin sighs, his jaw setting angrily. "I'm not sure yet."

"Well you know I'm behind your back no matter what," Taehyung says. "Whoever it is, Jiminie, I'll go take them out."

Jimin grins, holding up his glass and sending thanks through his eyes. "Cheers."

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