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"How're you feeling, baby?" Jimin asks, his one hand massaging Maria's head.

"Like shit."

She had her cheek laid against his thigh and her eyes shut as Jimin tried to help her pounding headache go away. Jimin has his other hand on his laptop, where he was doing research about their mission.

Neither of them had bothered to do much once they had woken up. Maria was still dressed in Jimin's sweats and Jimin had on nothing but a pair of boxers.

Maria crawls up into his arms, snuggling into his side and draping her arm across his torso as she looks at the screen.

He was researching the details of the building the venue would be in. It was a different one than her father usually had events, and it looked like it was in a fancier area. Maria bet her father wanted to make stronger connections with wealthier clientele.

"Will this really work?" she asks quietly.

"Do you trust me?" Jimin asks instead, forwarding the address to Yoongi.

"Of course," she says immediately, nosing along his jaw.

"Then it'll work," he smiles, setting his laptop aside. "If my kitten wants her father dead, then we'll get him dead. Easy as that."

Maria giggles and moves to straddle his lap, and Jimin cups her ass in his hands as he gives her a playful look. "You like that, don't you?"

"Mhm," she hums, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"You like when I spoil you?" he asks, kissing down her neck.

"Yes," she sighs, melting under his lips.

Jimin smirks against her skin, his fingers digging into her ass. "I'll always spoil you, baby. Especially tomorrow."

"For my birthday?" she asks, voice light with excitement as she presses her forehead against his.

"For your birthday," he confirms, smiling softly. "Iris is going nuts trying to plan everything."

"Oh god," Maria mutters, curling her fingers into the back of his hair.

"She's just excited," Jimin laughs gently. "You're like a sister to her."

"As long as there's cake," Maria says seriously. "I love cake."

"Me too," Jimin grins boyishly, slapping her ass.

Maria pouts, gently pounding her fist against his chest. "You're naughty."

"So are you," Jimin shoots back, rolling her onto her back. He guides her hands over her head before kissing her roughly. "We can't play right now, kitten."

Maria immediately pouts, fingers trailing down to his boxers. "But, Jimin..."

"No buts," he tsks, grabbing her hand. "Let's go, kitty. We have work to do."


Le Cygne Parfait was an extremely prestigious building with the finest entertainment room. It looked much like a ballroom, with a grand chandelier and decor of gold swans filling the room. Only the elite could book an event here.

"I do think this would be a marvelous place to hold our baby shower," Taehyung lies, placing a hand on Iris's stomach from behind. Iris nods with a bright smile as she places her hand on Taehyung's. "Although, I do want to know more about the safety of the room. I can't even let a threat near my girlfriend."

The host chuckles, cupping his hands behind his back. "Well, sir, I'd be glad to tell you how well we protect our visitors."

Jimin taps Maria's back and she holds her head higher, walking away with him from the group.

"The wallpaper is amazing, don't you think, baby?" Jimin asks aloud once they reach a corner.

Maria nods, looking up through her lashes at the camera.


"I think I'd like to see the room from a different angle," she sighs dramatically, looping her arm through his.

"Of course," Jimin nods, sharing brief eye contact with Taehyung as they pass them. He doesn't miss the way Taehyung's lips twitch into a small grin.

"Baby, can you put this necklace on me? I meant to put it on in the car, but I forgot," Maria says, loud enough for the cameras to pick up on, as she hands Jimin the jewelry.

"I would love to," Jimin says as he takes the necklace. He carefully wraps it around her neck before working to hook it together, and as he does, his eyes flicker up to count another camera.


They continued to do this until they saw the room from all four sides, their eyes searching along the ceilings for any cameras.

"Well, we most certainly will think about it," Jimin hears Iris say as he and Maria approach the group again. "But we really need to get going. I have the doctor's appointment in an hour."

"Ah, well I wish you the best of luck," the host smiles. "Please feel reassured that Le Cygne Parfait will be the best place to hold such a special event."

"Of course," Taehyung nods. "Now if you'll excuse us and our friends, we'll be leaving."

As soon as they reach the car, conversation starts.

"There's five cameras in the room," Maria says. "Four in each corner, one by the chandelier."

"The host said there's more cameras by the restrooms out in the hall," Taehyung adds. "And there will always be someone in the security room looking for suspicious behavior."

"We'll send the information to Yoongi and Hobi," Jimin nods.

"We'll need to go shopping too," Iris points out before grinning. "But first I wanna spoil Maria in a birthday outfit."

"A birthday outfit?" Maria frowns.

"For the club," Iris explains, laughing when Maria's eyes widen. "I'm gonna make sure this is a birthday you won't forget."

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