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Luffy and Red Hair Pirates


it has been 2 weeks and we have arrived at foosha village. Garp just yoink me out of the ship and headed somewhere else. I just stand there 🧍‍♀️ thinking about ways to torture him... eating all his snacks would be a great way to do so.

I took out a bag of donuts to eat and start exploring the village that the protagonist lives in and stopped in front of a bar. Hearing laughter I walked in and saw something or someone that make my nose bleed like Sanji does whenever he see a woman.

I saw him, yes the one and only, shanks the drunk flirt, sitting there drinking his beer with his unbuttoned button-up t-shirt showing his abs...

And just like that, I fainted.


Shanks and his crew were just casually chilling at Makino's bar. Benn was just smoking while watching over the crew so they don't do anything stupid. Lucky roo was kriby-ing (no, that not a word) the whole dang bar. Shanks and Yasopp were telling Luffy about their adventure and teasing him while they were at it. The others were just drinking beer or sake while talking to each other. Untilll....

A "toh" was heard behind the door grabbing the captain and some crew mate's attention. Shanks walks up, opens the door and saw a small white-haired girl laying on the ground with blood running down her nose.

"Holy Sh*t! Benn, an angel just fall down on earth!" Shanks yells as Benn hit him on the head

"Captain... there's no such things as an angle, and don't flirt with a child." he said. Makino walk out and saw the white-haired girl on the ground and said

"Is she okay? we should carry her in!"

Shanks pick you up and head back in where all the laughter stopped when they saw you in shanks arm. They begin to question

"Captain! Is she alright?"
"Who's this small child?"
"Woah! Is that blood?"
"Yooo! Captain is that your long-lost child?"
"Who's this chick?"
"Oi! Don't flirt with a child?"


'why is it so noisy here' I open my eyes, the first thing I saw was abs, I looked up and saw... Shanks...

Shanks + abs = I pass out again




I woke up again and saw Luffy about to eat a swirly melon. Wait, isn't that a devil fruit?

"Eating your worries away, Luffy?" Shank said

"Shut up." Luffy shouted

"Wait! what are you eating!?" Shanks stop laughing

Andddd he ate it, Congratulations! You have become an actual monkey.

"that box! Did you eat what was in that box!?"


"Spit it out! Right now! Every last one!" Shanks holds Luffy up-side-down and shakes him. "Wh-what are you doing shanks?!" Too late, Luffy's body stretches down and back up causing me to burst out laughing.

"You idiot! What you just ate was gum-gum fruit! It's one of the Devil's fruits! Whoever eats it becomes a rubberman! They'll never be able to swing ever again!"

"Ehh!? NO WAY!"

"You dumbass!"


"Andd he left," Shanks said drinking his beerless mug.

"by the way who are you?" He asked looking at you who's eating donuts.

"Me? I'm (y/n), you are?"

"shanks, nice to meet you. are you alright? I saw you fainted, twice at that." 

"oh, that! just a heat stroke." you lied, wouldn't want Shanks to call you a pervert, right?

"Is that so... do you have sake on you?"

"Do I look like I have any?" You look at him deadpanned

"Just asking"


"So where you're from? You don't seem to be from here by the way you dress up." Shanks asked.

"Hmm... heaven." you smiled

"I knew it! Benn, she's really from heaven." Shanks beamed making you burst into laughter, Benn just sighed at how stupid his captain can be sometimes.


A few days have passed, you got to know more about Luffy, Makino, the villagers, Shanks and his crew. sadly Shanks and his crew got to leaves for their voyage but he did promise you that he'll come back! you are currently walking up a mountain to be meet a certain person. You arrive at the place that you agree to meet, there he is, standing here in all his glory. Sou

He turn to face you and said "still the same as always...



To be continued~

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