Chapter 25

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***TW mentions past emotional abuse. Please if that is a trigger skip it. <3

YN rolled over and winced at the pain she felt in her legs. However, remembering everything she and Jungkook did last night, it wasn't surprising that she was a little sore. Looking over she saw JK still fast asleep. She didn't want to wake him just yet so she quietly snuck out of the bed and into the bathroom. Turning on the hot water, she stepped under the spray and let the water release the soreness and tension. Finishing up she grabbed a towel, wrapping it around her body she went into the kitchen to start a pot of coffee. As she was walking past her door she saw an envelope on the floor. It was too early for the mail and the envelope hadn't been there the night before. Her curiosity won out and she bent over to pick it up. Opening it, what she saw inside made her scream.

JK came awake at the sound of YN's scream. Rushing out of the room he found her sitting on the floor in front of the door in nothing but a towel with an envelope in her hands.

"YN, what's wrong, what happened?" he asked her, bending down he put his hands on her shoulders and made her look up at him. He saw tears streaming down her face. She brought up what she had been holding in her hands and handed it to JK. It was another picture, this time it was from last night. It was hard to tell who it was in the picture because the faces were shadowed but the balcony in the picture was YN's. JK knew then and there that whoever was watching her, was keeping closer tabs on her than what he had previously thought.

"Look on the back," she whispered.

Turning over the picture JK saw the message written there. "You fucked up, you're going to watch as I make him pay for touching you." JK wasn't scared of what he read there, he wasn't worried about his own safety, he was worried about YN. This was getting out of hand, if it kept going this way she was bound to another issue.

"Princess, look at me." He said tilting her chin up "It's going to be ok, but I think it's time we talk about your Ex."

Startled, she shook her head "Mark, you think Mark is the one doing this?"

"He's the only one I could think of. Do you think you're going to be able to do that?"

"Yes," she whispered "But can we go back to the house first? I really don't want to be here right now."

He went to help her up but she avoided his touch and walked into the bedroom. Realizing she probably needed space to make sense of what was happening, he gave her the space she seemed to need. They left the apartment in silence and drove back to the house. When they walked in they were greeted by Jimin who came towards them with a smile on his face, until he saw YN hunched over and turned slightly away from JK. Knowing something was seriously wrong he walked over to her but before he could give her a hug, she dodged his embrace and ran up the stairs.

Jimin turned to look at JK "What did you do?" he said accusingly.

"I didn't do anything Jimin! Whoever is toying with her left this in the apartment." He handed the envelope and pictures over to Jimin.

Jimin was horrified by the images and note that was in the envelope. "I get that this is startling but she wouldn't even let us touch her. There's more to it than that." He said as Yoongi came down the stairs.

"What's going on?" Yoongi asked when he spotted the other two men deep in conversation. Jimin simply held up the envelope for Yoongi to inspect. He had a similar reaction to Jimin anger and concern warred within him at the images.

"I was just telling Jimin that I think she's avoiding having to talk about Mark. I told her we need to and she just kind of shut down." JK said helplessly.

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