Chapter 2

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***A/N TW abusive ex interaction.

Noon was slowly drawing near, YN kept staring at the clock, wishing for it to move faster. It had been a while since she was actually excited to go on a date with someone. She had gotten ready as fast as she could, knowing the part that would take the longest would be choosing something to wear. She had finally decided on her black jeans and a white blouse with her favorite Doc Marten boots. She could hear her mom's voice saying what she was wearing wasn't as feminine as it should be for a first date but she went with it rather than wearing the casual black dress she contemplated. If she was being honest with herself, she felt more comfortable in black and her Docs gave her more confidence than her high heels ever did.

After more waiting, it was finally five minutes before the meeting time. She didn't want to look over-eager to see JK again so she slowly got her stuff together and gave Lola her favorite treat before walking out the door at 12:00 pm on the dot. As she walked downstairs and out the apartment doors she looked towards the park area and saw someone waiting there. Nervously she continued her walk over and gave a small wave to JK when he looked at her.

"Wow, you look nice," he said as he looked her up and down.

"Thanks, you lean up pretty nicely yourself" she responded while looking him over. She was slightly jealous at how amazing he looked in casual black jeans, a black t-shirt, and black combat boots. Although she had to admit he certainly looked good enough to eat.

JK chuckled "Well, are you hungry?"

"Yeah, I haven't eaten yet today. What are you thinking you want?"

"Honestly it doesn't really matter, I'll eat just about anything."

"Any allergies that I should be aware of?"

"Not even a little. Do you have any food allergies?"

"Unfortunately, almonds and coconut try to make me meet my maker. Luckily though I have an Epi-pen just in case."

"That's good to know, so nothing with almond or coconut, that shouldn't be to difficult."

"You know what, how about sushi? It's my favorite."

"Sounds perfect," he said and reaches for her hand. She lets him lead her over to the car that is parked close by. He opens the door for her and she slides in. Once he sits in the driver's side he searches for the nearest sushi restaurant and they are off. YN sighs happily and stares out the window watching the scenery pass when she feels a hand on top of hers. She looks over at JK questioningly.

"Is this ok?" he asks "It's ok if it's not."

"No, it's ok" she flips her hand over and laces her fingers with his. She couldn't explain the feelings she had but she felt safe with him. Like she had known him for years rather than just mere hours. She tried to rein in the romantic thoughts and be realistic, knowing she will probably have lunch with him and then likely never see him again. However, this didn't keep her from daydreaming and wishing he was from her city. She looked back out the window and noticed that they had already arrived at the restaurant. JK lets go of her hand and opens his door, as she goes to do the same it opened and his smiling face appeared.

"You really didn't think I would make you open your own door now did you?" He asked reaching out with his hand once again.

She giggled and let him help her out. Once they walked in they were seated at one of the tables. While they were looking over the menus they made small talk until the waiter arrived for their orders. The more they talked the more she found herself liking this man. It made her nervous and excited at the same time. She wanted to desperately know what he was thinking and if he was having a good time. With the smile that was on his face though, she safely assumed that he was having fun. They talked about so much during lunch, their families, their hometowns, and what they liked to do in their free time. They were similar in many ways and just different enough to keep the conversation interesting. The food came and went. They continued talking until JK looked down again at his phone going off. He grabs it and looks over at her.

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