Chapter 42

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Serena opened the door and took an involuntary step back at the sight of the Warrior. Alec filled the door with his presence and his eyes were less than kind as they regarded Serena.

"Walem, General. You look like you did not sleep well" the Healer said by way of greeting. Then she stepped out onto the planks in front of the house. "I will have a brew sent to revive you."

"Thank you, Healer." Alec said his tone cold.

"Temha," Serena tipped her head forward, then moved towards the swing bridge that connected the house to yet another. Leyla followed the Healers progress with her eyes, taking in the sight of the wooden homes spread out around them.

The houses stood on large square platforms and seemed to be made from the same dark brown wood, but each one had been decorated with strung crystals of different colours. Vines, full of flowers, hung on the bridges where Healers walked from house to house. Every so often, someone was lifted from ground level to the platforms scattered between the residences by the contraption they had used the previous night.

"Are you alright?" Alec asked when Serena had disappeared out of sight.

"Much better." She couldn't let Alec know about the tests Serena was thinking of doing. Despite everything, he still saw her as a Warrior and would feel duty bound to protect her.

"Good. I need you well and healthy for our departure." Seeing the robe she was wearing, his eyes narrowed. "I will find a way to convince the Heka to let you go, don't worry."

Leyla ignored his reassurance. "How's Finn, is he awake?"

Alec knew she was changing the topic on purpose, but he allowed it to pass with a curt nod. "Finn is awake and being a pain in the ass. He keeps asking for Light Lady who saved his life."

"I didn't save anyone." And I'm not a Light Lady, she added in her mind. "You're the one that saved both our lives."

Alec raised a brow. "Normally I would point out all the reasons why you are wrong, but I like the idea of having you beholden to me." His gaze fell to her lips, reminding her of their kiss.

Blushing furiously, Leyla turned away. "What about the outpost? Is there any news of Michael and Delphine?"

"A message arrived early this morning. The Light Landers are safe at Outpost 7." Alec's tone dipped to a decidedly colder octave as he continued, "Your Michael was informed to return home with a Warrior escort, but he refused. So they had to call up reserves and split up. Four Warriors are escorting the Lady back to the Land of Light -"

"What about Michael?" Leyla spun back around, agitated. Here she was feeling safe in the belief that Michael was halfway home and he had what? Refused? "Why didn't he go? Where is he!?"

Alec crossed his arms over this broad chest, a royal eyebrow rising at a sharp angle. "A Warrior escort brought him here this morning. Prince Michael was shown to a hut on this level somewhere, but - "

"Which one?" Leyla rushed past him to the railing, scanning all the huts she could see. The thickest branches of the giant trees had grown in staggered stages and directions, so that some houses were almost touching while others were separated by much longer, swing bridges. Green robes and white turbans...she couldn't see Michael!

"Calm down!" Alec frowned. "Your attachment to this Michael is quite the thing..."

It was at that moment that Leyla spotted the figure dashing over the swing bridges three houses away. His black hair in complete disarray and wearing a borrowed Warrior uniform, Michael alighted from one bridge and rushed to the next, ignoring the indignant looks of the Healers he rushed passed. Without a word, Leyla picked up the hem of her robes and ran. She crossed one bridge, then another. By the time she was ready to jump onto the third, Michael was there wrapping his arms around her.

"I'm so mad at you," He said into her hair and she laughed.

She had been afraid. Afraid that something might have gone wrong on their way to the outpost, or at the outpost, or after the outpost. She had managed to push that fear to the back of her mind, knowing that it had been the safest choice for them at the time. But still, it felt so good to see him safe.

"Be as mad as you like, as long as you are alive I have no qualms with it." Leyla ruffled his hair and grinned in the face of his anger.

"You are lucky that you're alive or I would have been seriously furious with you," Michael grumbled. Then his face turned serious and his arms folded across his chest, "Now what the hell is this about you living here?" 

Warrior's Heart (Book 1 of The Warrior Chronicles)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang