Chapter 26

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The mild breeze stirred her long white coat as Leyla counted the cases stacked on the other side of the garden with dismay. This was not the way things were meant to turn out.

"La-La, smile. The Leader is going to be here soon," Michael warned in Asch.

"But eight guards?"

"Be thankful it isn't eighty," Michael said. "It took Raphael and the Book Keeper half the night to convince Leader to allow us to leave at all."

"That's another thing," Leyla frowned as she watched even more people turn up along the bridges that connected the gardens. Dressed in flowing gowns and embroidered robes, all of the Land of Light's gentry seemed to be gathering to watch a spectacle. "Why in Gaia are you coming with me? You spent six years whining about how much you missed your parents..."

Michael held up his hands in protest, "I do not whine!"

"Hah!" Leyla snorted, then her expression turned serious, "You should stay. Your parents will be sad."

"The Book Keeper said it was an excellent idea for me to accompany you, and father is...not around."

Leyla raised her brows, but Michael's father's whereabouts obviously fell under the Land of Light secrets which she was not meant to be privy to.

"So anyway, stop fussing La-La." Michael rushed on. "I go where you go. End of discussion."

"When did you get so stubborn?" Leyla grumbled.

"I learned from my sister," Michael grinned.

Hearing him call her sister warmed her heart, making it difficult to continue her protest. It was futile anyway...By Tevvuk's Beard! Turning away from his foolishly happy expression, she looked at the eight guards and lady that were waiting beside the luggages. Innocent brown eyes set in a heart shaped face, the lady looked as fragile as the flowers that had been arranged into her hair. "Alright, the guards I can understand, especially since you are coming too, but why is the Leader insisting on sending a lady?"

"Lady Delphine is the daughter of the Minister of defence. She's highly educated and very well respected, so the Leader asked her to teach you the ways of our future Queen." It was obvious from Michael's tone that he was leaving something out in his explanation. Leyla wanted to ask more questions, but the guards in the gardens were suddenly at full attention and then the Leader appeared at the top of the stairs leading to the Dome. Excited whispers filled the inner keep as the gentry bowed.

Surveying the onlookers with an indulgent smile, the Leader descended into the gardens with Raphael and the Book Keeper behind him. The gentry inched closer.

"My dear." The Leader approached her, his warm tone surprising prying ears. The Book Keeper caught the gaze of the closest guards and in the next moment the men were all headed in the direction of the gathering crowd, moving them back to ensure that no spectator was close enough to hear the royal conversation.

"Good morning, Leader," Leyla touched her forehead to his outstretched hands the way she had seen Michael do.

"It disheartens me to see you go so soon." The older man sighed. "However, I understand you have things to take care of before beginning your life with us."

Leyla nodded, "Thank you for allowing this journey, Leader."

"If you feel you must do this, then you must." The Leader stroked his short beard, the purple jewel on his ring finger catching the sunlight. "I am sure you have been told that anything you have seen inside these walls must be kept secret. Naturally that also includes your...crossing."

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