Chapter 4

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Leyla grabbed her discarded belt and ran after him with as much calm as she could muster. With her knife pressing against her back once more, she felt more centred, but relief at overcoming the trial was quickly being replaced by confusion. Not comfortable with the feeling, Leyla chose to be angry instead. The jerk had shot several dozen arrows at her and wasn't even giving her a moment to catch her breath!

"Colonel, I have urgent business-"

"Follow, Lieutenant." Alec cut her off without breaking his stride.

Of all the high-handed brutes! Leyla pressed her lips together to stop herself from swearing. Just bare with it. The pounding in her chest slowed as they headed up the second set of stairs. Her muscles ached with the wariness caused by the skirmish this morning and Alecs little archery display. Where in Gaia was he leading her anyway?

"Ding. Ding. Ding." The sound of the marking-bell reached them from the outside courtyard. It was the signal for guards to change shifts. The trainees would be heading out for an endurance run, while officers took a break and the princess had her daily audience with the King. At the next bell, Leyla had to oversee new-guard training at the armoury and she needed time before then to debrief Captain Leo. Bloody Diyu.

Servants bobbed curtsies and giggled behind cupped hands as they walked down the corridors. Court ladies dressed head to toe in fine silks angled their heads in dramatic poses while pretending to be busy with the most innocuous things. Where had they all come from? It was as if someone had blown a trumpet and announced that Colonel Alec was passing through.

As they approached a turn in the path, a lady in an emerald green dress dropped her handkerchief. Following the dubious example of Princess Mira, she had drawn pink circles on her cheeks with quartz powder and tinted her lips red with berry juice. Leyla snorted, then squeezed her eyes shut, hoping Alec hadn't heard the sound. He gave no indication either way, and just bent to retrieve the lady's handkerchief with great flourish.

"Thank you, Colonel." The woman simpered, her fingertips grazing his hand as she took back her belonging.

"My pleasure, Lady Hera. Good day." Alec gave a short bow and Leyla was grateful to be on the move again. After yet another lady accidentally dropped her handkerchief, they turned down a blissfully empty hallway.

"Women can be so foolish." Leyla heard Alec mutter.

"And men can't?" The comment was out of her mouth before she could think better of it.

Alec stopped to look over his shoulder. She felt an odd sense of confusion as she often did when their eyes met. Why was he the only one who could look at her that way? No flinching, no disgust, no was as if he didn't see her scar, as if he was impervious to the colour of her hair and the strangeness of her eyes.

His expression gave none of his thoughts away, but there was amusement in his voice. "Is there a reason why you keep walking behind me, Lieutenant?"

Leyla gave him a tight lipped smile, "You haven't seen fit to tell me where we are going, Sir." She knew he would detect the sarcasm. She also knew she should be more respectful, but heck, he had just shot dozens of arrows at her, surely she was allowed this much defiance?

Alec stared at her for another moment before a boyish grin lit his face, "Point taken, Lieutenant. Please do accept my apologies for keeping you in the dark." He pointed at the door to their left, then gave her a mock bow. "We have arrived."

"I didn't mean to -" Flustered at his mocking bow, Leyla began to protest, when she suddenly took note of the blue door he was pointing to. "The Healing rooms? Why are we here?"

Warrior's Heart (Book 1 of The Warrior Chronicles)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن