35; A Fresh Start...

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𝙽𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟻𝚝𝚑, 𝙼𝚘𝚗𝚍𝚊𝚢
Miles POV

When the weekend is over, I find myself wearing one of Parker's sweatshirts, his hand clasped in mine as we walk towards the school. It's crazy what can happen in 72 hours after making up, almost having unconsented sex, and watching movies all weekend.

I gently press a kiss to his knuckles, looking over at him as we walk together. He's distracted. I can see his brain running at one hundred miles a minute. The touch of my lips catches him off guard, and I smile when he looks at me.

"So, is there a reason why you dragged me out of bed to get here twenty minutes early?" I ask casually in hopes that he doesn't have a hidden agenda, which includes hiding me from our classmates.

"Yes, actually. I need to talk to Greyson this morning and go over some things with him. Which includes explaining this." Parker lifts our intertwined hands. He doesn't say it in a dark light, more matter-of-factly.

"Okay, makes sense. Which of us wants to tell the story of how I cornered you in the janitor's closet and made you realize you prefer guys if you know what I mean?"

"Gross! C'mon now, he's my uncle. Besides, that didn't even happen!" Parker laughs and sticks out his foot in a poor attempt to trip me. "Tell that story to my cousins and Forrest instead. They'll love it."

I grin and kick his leg. "I'm sure they would! They all seem like the type to take notes on that stuff."

"Stop talking. I don't want to imagine that." Parker pretends to gag and drops my hand, bounding forward to open the school door for me. I mumble thanks and walk in, looking around the empty halls.

"Not to change the topic," I start to say and slow down so that Parker can catch up with me. "But how will he respond? Like... Should I wait in the hall? Or find the guidance counselor and drop that history class?"

"No, God, no. I think he will be fine." Parker shrugs, his jaw tight. "But I guess we'll both find out what he'll have to say. Besides, we only have a few more weeks until winter break. You're staying with me in this damn class no matter what."

"Wow, bossy boy," I tease him and ruffle his hair in a way that makes him scrunch his nose.

Parker proceeds to do just that, including shooting me a look as he swats my hand away. "Quit! I'm going to beat your ass, it took me ten minutes to get this look!"

"Trust me, I know! I heard the hair dryer running at the ass crack of dawn!" I respond and grab his waist, pulling him back to me. Parker's breath hitches as he turns to face me, his eyes jumping around my face.

I speak before he can ask any questions. "Hang on, let me fix you up. It was my bad anyhow." I let go of him to lick my fingers, running them back through his hair.

Parker scowls, his lips twisting, except the annoyed look doesn't reach his eyes. I think he's making that face to keep from smiling as I push his thick black hair back in place.

"There!" I exclaim and drop my hands, taking a full step back to check him out from head to toe and wink. "Much better."

"Stop. You're so full of shit. Let's go," Parker answers, a blush creeping over his cheeks. A smile finally breaks on his face as he turns away from me, heading toward Greyson's class.

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