Chapter 2 - Getting Revenge

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Emma went over to Stella's house after school, riding home with her in her vintage pastel pink Volkswagen beetle that Stella had pain-stakingly spent the entire summer painting by hand with an intricate design of flowers and shapes. Her car was unique to say the least and it went along perfectly with her hippie vibe. It had flowers on the dash and beads hanging from the rear view mirror. 

Stella wasn't afraid of standing out and being considered a weirdo. In fact she loved it. To Stella the worst thing in the world would be for someone to think she was boring and ordinary. She was an artist and loved to leave her mark and make things around her beautiful and unique. 

Stella pulled up in front of her little one-story ranch house and they went inside where her Mom was standing barefoot in the kitchen wearing a long flowing white cotton dress and she was pulling cookies out of the oven. 

"Stella! How was school?" her Mom asked. 

"It was school. Not much else to say about it," she grumbled. 

Stella's Mom Annie was just as weird and eccentric as Stella. In fact, her entire family was a little odd but no matter how weird they were, hanging out with them was still better for Emma than being at home with her own dysfunctional family. Stella had a Mom and Dad and there were 4 kids. Stella was the oldest and she had two little sisters and a little brother and they were all really close, the complete opposite of Emma's family.

Emma's Mom had passed away when she was a little girl and her Dad was always working and hardly ever home. When he was home he was usually angry or drunk or both. Her older brother was two years older and had already move out for college but even when he was home he didn't pay much attention to her. She had pretty much had to raise herself. 

After Emma had eaten dinner with the whole Harding family (that was Stella's last name), Stella leaned over and whispered, "Time to go upstairs and start plotting our revenge." 

Emma smiled and nodded, wondering what she had in mind. She was a devious mastermind and Emma knew she would come up with something brilliant. Stella believed very strongly in justice and people getting what they deserved so she was really going to enjoy this. 

She followed Stella up the stairs to her room. Her room was full of posters and artwork she had painted herself and notebook pages ripped out with poems written on them that she had written whenever the inspiration hit her. They were just fastened to the wall with push pins. There was a large handpainted mural behind her bed of the Mayan Sun God and a large black & white tapestry hung on the curved ceiling on the far wall. 

Stella's bedroom was like an art den of creativity. It made Emma's bedroom look completely boring in comparison with it's plain tan walls that were only decorated with a couple posters of city skylines. She had always dreamed of living in a big city like New York or Paris. 

Stella sat down at her old wooden desk that Emma had helped her pick out at a yard sale and refurbish that was painted in vivid colors & designs.

"So, any ideas?" Stella asked, pulling up a notepad on her computer to brainstorm. 

"Ummm," Emma thought and thought but her mind was a blank. "I don't know Stella. We don't really know much about this guy so how do we know how to get revenge on him?" 

"Well, let's stalk him on social media and find out," Stella said with a smirk typing away on her phone. 

He had an Instagram page that was full of pictures of him, some sitting on his motorcycle with his leather jacket, some of him boxing in the gym, one giving the camera the middle finger with his sexy smirk and tousled hair, one of him from the side showing his sharp jawline while he smoked a cigarette, and several with beautiful women draped all over him. Emma couldn't help but notice how gorgeous he looked in all of them. 

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