Chapter 1 - Meeting Axel

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Emma was digging in her backpack trying to find her class schedule, not looking where she was going when she came around a corner and ran straight into Axel. She didn't just run into him, she knocked him completely to the ground, landing on top of him. The worst part was, she hit him right between the legs with her knee in the process of landing and his eyes bugged out and his face turned bright red as he groaned in agony.

The students passing by laughed and took out their phones to take pictures and posted them on Instagram and Snapchat right away.

She was still there laying on top of him stunned. She pushed up and looked down into his steel grey eyes and said, "I'm so sorry. I'm so clumsy. Are you okay?"

"I will be if you would get off of me," he groaned, wincing before pushing her off of him and slowly getting to his feet, doubled over and breathing heavy because of the pain.

"I'm so sorry," she said again as she got up and scrambled to pick up the contents of her backpack that had now spilled all over the floor of the hallway and were being kicked around by the herd of students walking past and not paying attention. She grabbed her glasses off the floor and slid them back on too.

"You should be sorry. I'll probably never be able to have kids now because of you," he said wincing in pain and trying to walk but struggling. He grabbed a trashcan close by and threw up into it because the pain was that excruciating. She felt so bad and so guilty for hurting him.

"I really am sorry. It's all my fault. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. Let me help you to the nurse's office," she offered, zipping her backpack up and standing there with an awkward smile.

"No that's alright. You'd probably just trip and knock me down the fucking stairs on the way. I can make it on my own," he groaned in pain as he limped his way down the hall, holding his crotch.

She breathed in and exhaled deeply as her face blushed red with embarrassment. Of course, of all people in the school for her to collide with and make a total fool of herself in front of, it had to be Axel Hart, the guy she had a massive crush on. Axel was the new guy that had transferred here from Chicago a month ago and every girl in school had immediately noticed how hot he was and he was all anyone seemed to be talking about.

He was a senior but he seemed so much more mature and older than the other Senior guys and he was so smart. In class, when the teacher called on him, he always knew the answer, even though he never paid attention. Half of the time he slept through class. He had a shitty attitude, like he thought he was too cool for any of the people in this high school, which no one could argue with the fact that he really was.

Axel was tall and thin but muscular, with a messy mop of black hair on top of his head and steel grey eyes that darkened when he was angry. He had a square jaw line that was very lightly covered in stubble and Emma had noticed he had a couple of tattoos one day when he had taken his black leather jacket off. He hated the world and always had a sneer on his face and seemed to be constantly angry about something. She had also noticed he always wore black from head to toe.

He was popular and everyone in that school seemed to love and adore him, even with his shitty attitude. Emma would see him sitting on his motorcycle in the parking lot with his friends gathered around him, smoking pot before school in the mornings. She  always noticed him when he was around because her eyes were instantly drawn to him like a magnet and she couldn't help but stare. She had never talked to him though, until today.

The only class Emma had with Axel was coming up next and she took her seat close to the window and noticed Axel's seat across the science room was empty. He came in a little while later walking very stiffly handing the teacher a slip from the nurse and taking his seat, laying a huge bag of ice onto his crotch and wincing.

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