Time Is Flying By, We Never Meant To Say Goodbye

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"I can't believe we are finally graduating tomorrow. This seems so surreal." Lexie whispered to my left as we sat in the auditorium while listening to instructions for tomorrow's ceremony. Logan sat to my right, holding my hand with our fingers interlaced. I could tell he was nervous. Our valedictorians this year are Russell Knight and Emily Mitchell. They tied perfectly for the grand title.

Graduation came by too fast if you ask me. Before we knew it, we were hit with finals and SATs, final projects, and more.

We ran around getting caps, gowns, graduation outfits. Logan and the rest of the gang, as well as me, volunteered for the prom decoration group, it turned out beautifully. I won't go insomuch detail, just know Logan was amazing. We had matching colors on my dress and his tie. After, we went to the cabin and spent all weekend there. He wanted us to go to the house he's building by the lake, but there were major setbacks, and we didn't want to be in the way of the workers.

A little after Logan had given me the news about going to NYU, I got my letters from USC and Stanford. I'm happy to say that I got into both. But the bad part is- it just made things more real. We were all so nervous about the next step in life. I decided I would attend Stanford.

Logan and I would go our separate ways for college.

I tried not to think about it, but it broke my heart each time the subject came up. Logan and I began to argue about it too often. He wanted me to go with him to NYU.

I don't want us to separate, but it was always my dream to go to USC or Stanford. After a while, he saw my point of view, realizing he was being unfair to me and left the subject alone. We both agreed we'd try our hardest to make things work.

Lexie got into Stanford as well, and Troy got accepted into Columbia and NYU, he's still unsure which school he'll end up in. Adulthood is just around the corner for us, and I am already feeling the pressure of it.

Tomorrow I'm sending in the final payment for the deposit for my dorm and Lexie's. Dad has been crying every time he sees me. He says he doesn't want his baby girl to leave, and though I know mom is sad about it too, she scolds him, telling him he's doing it on purpose to make me stay.

"Please, make sure you guys are here an hour before we go out there. You must check-in and stay with your group at all times." The principal added. Just as his discussion was over, someone began tossing huge beach balls in the air making all of us go wild. It took staff almost fifteen minutes to confiscate all the balls, but we had so much fun tossing them around.

Next day:

We all stood around dressed in our burgundy cap and gown with our gold tassels. It looked so good, and I could tell all of us were nervous. We scavenged for our friends, checked in together, and waited for the principal to give us the signal to commence walking to the football field where we'd hold the graduation ceremony.

We made our way inside, cameras went off everywhere in the stands. Balloons and flowers decorated the place so beautifully. You could hear family and friends scream with joy each time a student went up to receive their diplomas, including us of course.

Then, after both Emily and Russell gave their speech, everyone suddenly got quiet, Mr. Mitchell took the stage and began thumping his fist on the podium. Everyone joined, as we thumped our feet on the ground, we all began to yell "wolf pride, wolf pride, wolf pride." It touched my heart. I couldn't help but cry tears of joy. Almost every girl around was crying. Logan pulled me into a hug and kissed my jaw making me chuckle as he took a long sigh.

"I give you, generation x, congratulations wolf pack!" He yelled into the mike making everyone suddenly jump up and toss their caps in the air.

"We did it, baby girl. We are officially graduates of Lakeview Academy." He held me around my waist as everyone stood on their feet and cheered, continuing to toss their caps in the air. I smiled from ear to ear and kissed him on his lips eagerly.

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