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(Third Person POV)

While Logan and Aaron sat on the beanbag chairs playing video games, the girls and Sophie played with Charlie on top of Logan's bed.

Sophie discovered that Charlie loves getting belly rubs and scratching under his ear and chin.

He ran around the bed between girls as they giggled and played with him while holding a small interlaced rope, and a blue ball with stars Logan bought for him.

"So, Sophie." Ashley displayed a mischievous smile on her face.

"Yes!" Sophie dragged her word, knowing quite well she was bound to ask something out of the ordinary.

"You and Logan have been dating for two months now. Any plans for your anniversary this Wednesday?" She waved her eyebrows, causing a blush from Sophie and a grin from Meghan.

"I um, I don't know. We'll both probably be too busy with Thanksgiving arrangements. I usually help mom do all the cooking. And I hear your dad is coming by to spend time with you guys. I really wanted to do something, but I want Logan to spend time with his dad too. So maybe once Thanksgiving passes, we can go out." Sophie glances at Logan with a warm expression on her face.

Sophie's birthday was just a few days before Thanksgiving. She preferred not having parties because it would otherwise make her mom a bit more stressed having to juggle two events in a single week. Plus having their two-month anniversary around the same time making three important events back to back would take a toll on everyone.

A soft knock is heard at the door. Logan's mom comes in with a tray full of cookies, and hot chocolate to ease the chilled atmosphere outside.

"Oh! Cookies! Yummy." Meghan runs to aid her aunt and grabs the mugs, and begins handing them out.

"Hey, guys. Just remember! Don't stay up too late. I need you guys up and early for breakfast before you-" She stops in her tracks, realizing she almost gave away Logan's surprise for tomorrow.

"Just, don't stay up too late. Ok guys?"

They all agree in unison and bid her goodnight.
Riley stood at her vanity placing her night-time lotion on her flawless skin after she had a long and much-needed hot bubble bath. Even at such a mature age, she still looked so radiant and beautiful.

She glares at her phone and reaches for it, unlocking her screen in hopes to have a missed call or text from her husband. Closing her eyes, too scared to look at the blue lighted screen.

He has been distant lately. Detached from the attention the few last times they had exchanged words. She tries to ignore the gut feeling something is wrong. She loves this man, regardless of the long periods he is away.

She understands that he is a busy and highly demanding lawyer. He's s good at what he does, too good if you ask her. This is why he is one of the top lawyers in all of Chicago.

Bewildered, she bites her thumb and debates on checking her phone. With an endearing sigh, she unlocks it again after the screen had gone dark once again and checks for missed calls- but nothing. Other than the missed call from the school principal, which she hesitantly dialed back, immediately.

She presses her message box, and WhatsApp, and even her messages on Facebook, scanning through in hopes she missed something-Nothing but calls and messages from clients and friends.

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