Chapter 49

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"You read memories," Conall said, as though it would sound more believable if he heard it from his own mouth.

"Yes. So, for example, when I first saw Austin, I saw his memories of Julie, and the instances they – well, rest assured the nature of their relationship was very clear to me from the start."

Julie's cheeks flamed bright red and Ryleigh chuckled.

"Well damn," Conall said. "That's a breach of our privacy."

"Definitely. I can't help myself. It's not like I can turn it off. When I look at someone, I see memories. Like yours, for example."

His lips tightened. She smiled – a smile that said both 'don't worry, I won't tell anyone' and 'but someday I might'.

Ellis, too, was looking particularly concerned with this development. "All our memories?"

"Yes. Well, I only see the ones you think about when you're in my vicinity, but I can dig for others. But I'm discreet." She paused. "Usually."

"Okay, but hold up," Sky said. "You say you read memories. That sounds pretty passive. What you did to those Golden Dawn soldiers wasn't passive."

"Very well observed, Sky," Ryleigh said, nodding. "I do read memories, but I also manipulate them. If I want to, I can create entirely new ones. That's what I did to those patrol guards. The first thing I did was do some quick digging to uncover their worst fears, stemming from their most traumatic experiences. Then for each one of them, I took that memory and made it worse. Unbearable. My gift seems passive because it's psychological, not physical, but mental agony makes a cruel enemy."

"I would almost sympathise with them," Julie said.

"Well, before you got there, they were going to take me to their alpha so he could rape me, so I wouldn't sympathise too much if I were you. But yes, it's a cruel thing to do. I don't enjoy it, but it had to be done. So, after I had created those memories, I hid and created a memory in which they saw me run away." She shrugged. "That's all there was to it." Her gaze flitted around. "I hope you're satisfied now. You're the only outsiders privy to this information."

She had gripped the backrest of her chair a little while ago to keep her standing, but now let go. Her legs complained about the weight added to them and threatened to take her down. Ignoring her body, like always, she took a few steps anyway. Her limbs teamed up with her head and everything started spinning. Next thing she knew, Austin had caught her. She hadn't even seen him get up and move towards her.

She was pressed against his chest, his scent sending her in overdrive. She would have pushed him away if her legs had been even a little sturdier than apple sauce, but alas.

"Are you alright?" he asked, his deep voice reverberating through her entire body.

"Fine, fine," she said, wriggling her hands between herself and him, pressing against his chest to make him release her. She could feel his muscles underneath his shirt and sucked in a sharp breath.

"I was just about to go see Ridge," Julie said. "Shall I walk with you?" She popped up beside Ryleigh and offered her arm. Ryleigh took it, and – grudgingly – Austin released her.

"As soon as you're up for it, I'd like a word," Ellis said.

"I assume you want to talk about the letter on your desk, waiting to be sent to Alder?" she said. "I would suggest you burn it and keep my secret, but I know you don't consider that an option. I'll drop by later this afternoon, how's that?"

He blinked. "Yes. That's fine."


Ryleigh didn't wait for Ellis to answer her knock before slipping into his office. He was sitting behind his desk and looked up when she came in.

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