Chapter 5

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She was... Well, gross, thin and bleeding, to be honest. But if Austin looked past that, hard though that was, she was breath-taking. It wasn't so much her looks, though her coat was an intriguing blend of three colours – black across her back, ash blonde down her sides and white for her legs and underside – but the sharpness of her gaze, and the authority in her stance. She was the kind of woman that demanded attention by her sheer presence.

Between those five burly guards she looked tiny. She was still lying on the floor, and from the looks of it she wouldn't be able to stand if she tried. Involuntarily, he wondered at the horrors she had seen. Something stirred inside him as he saw the chains wrapped around her and the blood trickling down her side, coating her fur.

Ellis' hand landed on his arm and he snapped his head around to look at his brother, who gave him a warning look. The look, of course, was wholly unnecessary because Austin didn't care about his mate. He'd only met her a few minutes ago and his reaction to her state was merely an uncontrollable consequence of the mate bond.

"I am going to be frank," Alder said. "Although I sympathise with your situation, and though I am willing to consider the matter, I am not sure how comfortable I am releasing this wolf."

"Is there anything we can do to make you more comfortable?" Ellis asked, his fingers still firmly gripping Austin's underarm.

Alder hesitated and looked at Corinne for a silent consultation. "The truth of the matter," he said, turning back to Ellis and Austin, "is that if you were anyone else, I would never even consider it. It is not merely the fact that she is dangerous, but rather that we still do not know who she is and why she trespassed. You saw yourselves how she reacted upon seeing Corinne and me. If I release her and it turns out she was indeed out to hurt me or my kin, well..."

"I understand," Ellis said.

Austin knew all eyes continually strayed towards him. He also knew he was expected to say something, preferably something in defence of this wolf he knew nothing about. Some kind of emotional plea to release her. But if he were to speak, he wouldn't say what they wanted to hear.

He was saved from saying anything at all when the doors swept open to admit none other than Prince Aaron. Much like Corinne, he was a comforting presence, all friendly smiles and easy conversation. He was – Austin had to keep himself from pulling a face at the thought – a people-person. An enthusiastic grin spread across the prince's face as he approached Ellis and shook his hand with affection.

"Ellis! I heard you were here."

Ellis returned both the grin and the handshake with the same eagerness and Austin inwardly rolled his eyes. It was no surprise the two got along so splendidly – the both of them were social creatures.

"We were just negotiating a possible release for Austin's mate," Ellis said, nodding to the she-wolf silently watching everything from a few feet away. Her eyes shot wide open when Aaron entered the room and she struggled to her feet, the guards surrounding her immediately gripping their spears more tightly. Austin wondered if she hated every member of the royal family equally and if she was going to attempt to attack the prince the same way she did the king and queen, but she didn't. She remained seated upright, but her rigid posture softened somewhat and she allowed her head to droop, already losing interest in the scene before her.

"Ah, yes!" Aaron said, drawing Austin's attention back to him. "I heard about that. Congratulations, Austin!" The prince patted Austin heavily on the shoulder and Austin forced a grimace, unsure why everyone insisted that finding out your mate is a violent criminal was something to celebrate.

Aaron turned to look at the wolf in question, and Austin – unable to look at anything other than her, much to his dismay – followed his gaze. As she met the prince's eyes, she stirred and tugged at her bonds, which resulted in a rough yank on her chains. She choked a growl and snapped her head back.

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