Chapter 46

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Ryleigh hit the ground hard. Her naked back chafed across the rocks and her head hit the stone. The night exploded into a million stars and she wrenched her eyes tightly shut.


She blinked her eyes open again, focusing on Julie, who was hovering above her. Her hands moved to her stomach, where the arrow was sticking out. She knew more arrows would follow and forced herself into a seated position. Teeth clenched tightly, she grabbed the arrow and broke it off, tossing the broken piece aside. She felt no pain, but she knew that was only because she was too preoccupied with being in mortal danger.

"Run, you idiots!" she said, right as another arrow buried itself in the dirt a few feet in front of her. She pushed to her feet and took off, knowing the others were following closely behind. They shot between the trees, where the arrows couldn't hit them anymore.

Ryleigh fell to her knees. She clumsily crawled to the closest tree and leant her back against it. She didn't bother getting back up. This was where she was going to die.

Julie and Sky kneeled beside her, their faces ashy white. 

"Damn it, woman!" Conall said. "You're taking arrows for me now?" He gestured Sky to move aside and crouched beside her. He pushed her hands away from the wound, inspecting it more closely. "You're losing a lot of blood, but if we get you to Ridge immediately, he can fix you."

She shook her head, placing a hand on his arm to stop him from picking her up.

"Don't bother," she said, her voice weak. She dropped her head against the trunk, her eyes finding the sky. At least she'd die outside. And the rain had died down to a manageable splutter, most of which didn't make it past the foliage. She could think of worse ways to go.

"No, you'll make it," he said. "Damn you, I'm not owing you my life! Come on!" He tugged at her, but she shook her head again.

"Silvered." When she turned her head to look at him, he saw her eyes were bright silver.

"Good Goddess," Julie whispered.

Ryleigh shrugged, discomfort flashing over her face. The wound on her shoulder pressed painfully against the trunk. "There's only so many times a person can get silvered and live."

"Sky, run ahead and go get Ridge," Conall said. "And Austin. O, damn. Austin. He's not going to like this. I'll link ahead and tell them to bring a stretcher. Julie, apply pressure to the wound. You're not dying today, Ryleigh."

"I am," she said, her face screwing up in pain but her voice tranquil. She winced as Julie folded her hands around the arrow, trying in vain to stem the blood. "You know, I think I hold a record." Her gaze found Conall. She had never noticed what pretty eyes he had – pale green. "Do you know how many times I got silvered?"

"No," he said. "Tell me. Just keep talking. How many times?"

"Seventeen." She gave him a crooked grin. "That's a feat, huh? A good number." Her voice faltered and she shut her eyes.

"Eighteen is a better number," he said. "Let's fight to get you there, shall we? Not much use holding a record if you're dead."

She chuckled, which sent her coughing. Her body convulsed and she pressed a hand against her mouth. A rivulet of silver dripped from her lips. She wiped it away with the back of her hand.

"Is Austin alright?" she asked, her eyes flitting to Julie.

"Yeah, he'll make it," she said, doing her best not to look at Ryleigh's eerily silver eyes. "He's on his way right now. He can help."

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